I've been doing charity work since I'm 20 years old, and now I want to help kids.

It's never been about an opponent. I don't care who it is. Just throw them in front of me and let me do what I have to do. Let me earn the belt.

The weight of the world on my shoulders was something that I had to let go.

There's a lot of times when I shouldn't have been here. I go, 'Man, I'm blessed.' I've had people shoot at me and had all kinds of stuff happen, and somehow I'm still here, and other people are not.

I'm dangerous because I have nothing to lose.

I've proven I can hang in there, go through adversity, and pull tricks out of the bag.

There's always a way to pull back and discredit ourselves, but once you just shut that out and start doing it, you realize things about yourself that you never thought were possible.

A lot of people think they need the best training partners, the best gym. I started with Vans, Jack in the Box, and a dream, and now I'm here. You just need to have that work ethic, focus, and dedication.

Nobody expected me to finish Cub Swanson the way I did. When you see something like that, even I say, 'You're finally here. You're not only hanging with the best of the best, you're finishing them.'

I just want people to realize that it doesn't take much to be a good person. Simple things is all it takes.

I want to help make the world a better place.

Helping people that are down and out is all I've ever wanted to do.

It doesn't matter that I'm taking a fight on a month's notice. I've taken many fights on two seconds' notice.

I've been in so many street fights.

I want the real title. I can't express it enough that I want to fight for the real title. The interim title, from what I've seen... people get it, and then they take it away in a month. I just don't want to be that person.

Sometimes I wish I could just fight at 155 pounds.

I've seen the worst. In my head, I've seen the worst. When I go into a fight, I'm all right. You know what I'm saying? I've already made it.

For me, I'm just me. That's what I realized the best thing to be is.

For me, it was always survival. Learn where not to be at so you don't get shot. Learn where not to walk at so you don't get jumped. Learn who to stand up to, who not to stand up to. And then, when I got old enough to get a chip on my shoulder, I wanted to be the dog. I wanted to be the alpha.

What's that song? It says, 'Everything that you do will come back to you in your sweet time?' That's why I still don't relax. Even my coach gets mad at me sometimes. He's like, 'Come on, man - relax.' I go, 'Nah.' I'm always good.

I liked to pretend a lot. I thought I could be anything that I wanted.

I've always wanted better for myself; I just didn't know what route I was going to take.

When I go in the Octagon, it's no big deal. Just gonna go fight. Majority of the people? 'Dude, I'm scared to even walk through there.' Everything's a matter of perspective.

I don't like getting comfortable.