Training full-on year round is great, and I love to stay in shape and always being ready, but I feel sometimes I don't have a life.

Two good, large fights a year is good enough for me.

Pretty much, I was a hometown fighter, and everyone was pulling for me. Now I'm a hometown fighter again. It's a lot of pressure because you don't want to let people down. They're yelling your name and chanting for you.

I like super fights. I want super fights. I want guys that I can match up well where people don't know what going to happen.

I come from a city where we really didn't have too many role models.

I got to share the Octagon with Clay Guida. I got to share the Octagon with Cub Swanson. Now I'm going to share the Octagon with Frankie Edgar. These are things that, as a fighter, you always dream of.

I'm the kind of guy who, if you tell me you can't do something, like, 'Brian, you can't do a backflip off that two-floor building,' and I'm going to give it a shot.

Sometimes when you get eager, you get sloppy. Sometimes when you get sloppy, you get knocked out.

Sometimes it takes me a little longer to kick into my gears.

All glory to God. I'm nothing.

Ultimately, I'm here to fight the best. I'm not here to stay in and get a couple paychecks. I'm here to do my best while I can and while I'm fresh and make a name for myself.

If you try to fight the course, it will beat you.

It's always going to be a fight for anyone who isn't an older white man. I want to fight for anyone who doesn't have a fight.

The best fights don't occur between strangers. They occur between friends who trust each other.

I thought 'Fight Club' was great as David Fincher's version.

Life is short is what some niggaz said; not if you measure life - by how one lives and what he did.

For the most part, everybody who fights in war fights to survive.

‎You cannot correct an old person every time they say something offensive. You would never make it through Thanksgiving dinner!

I may not agree with what you have to say but I will fight you to the death for the right to fight you to the death.

We just fight our way through it. But you can't just get up and walk out without repeating the behavior over and over.

Nothing is impossible for God.

War consisteth not in battle only,or the act of fighting;but in a tract of time,wherein the will to contend by battle is sufficiently known

No references to the need to fight terror can be an argument for restricting human rights.

McCain fought in Vietnam - I think that he has enough civilian blood on his hands.