How many other people get a chance to be remembered forever? And that's what I really want. I want to be remembered forever.

I come from nothing. Growing up I didn't really have too much, and I can tap into that anytime that I want to and just remember how bad things were for me growing up and just knowing that I never want to go back there and I don't want my kids to go through it.

I'm not really too worried about the mystique of Jon Jones. Because I know Jon Jones' core. I remember when Jon Jones used to come up to me and say, 'Hey man, what's it like when everybody wants to take pictures with you?' So I know Jon Jones.

When you violate a pact, there's no way I can ever work with you again.

If you grow up with a wrestling coach, you learn differently. If you were late, everything was about push-ups and laps around the gym. I once said, 'Am I on a wrestling team or a damn track team?' That resulted in me running for the entire practice. It gives you a certain mentality.

Wrestling is one of the earliest and oldest martial arts there is.

I definitely think you should have wrestling in schools.

I'm always interested to watch Chris Leben fight. He just fights from a different place.

MMA embodies a lot of disciplines of sports with footwork and with football, especially with the punching technique you get the hand and eye coordination.

When I go in and fight, I'm not the same guy who is sitting in front of you, who is meeting the fans or anything like that. It's like a split personality.

When I fight, part of the swagger that I had when I used to fight on the street comes out. When I fought on the street, I used to try to embarrass someone for even wanting to fight me.

Money comes and goes. I may make a million dollars, then get a divorce and damn near lose all of it.

Rampage's footwork is atrocious. His boxing is slipping. He doesn't take the fight game seriously.

I'm the guy that everybody wants to hate.

I've been working on my ground game, my jiu jitsu, and my standup as well. Those are areas where I feel like really needs to be cleaned up and areas I know that I can get better.

When you have a training relationship, it's not about winning, it's about making each other better and helping each other.

The only way I'm going out is unconscious. I'm not a quitter.

It's like when your parents tell you what to do, but it's not until you go through it yourself that you see why they said what they said. Sometimes you just have to go through things in life to become a better person.

If you fight a hungry fighter and you look into their eyes and you're not as hungry as they are, that's when you get eaten up.

The results of anything are equal to how persistent you are with it, so if you're persistent and dedicate yourself to working out, you'll get bigger results.

I want to go out there and try as hard as I can to be the best in that ring. And for me, that doesn't mean cutting flips and cartwheels and not selling punches.

When Rock was on 'Saturday Night Live,' that's what propelled him into the mainstream and made everyone realize, 'Holy crap, this guy is really talented.'

When a kid smiles because you take an extra 30 seconds, minute, minute and a half to go over and ask them what their name is, give them the shirt you just wore to the ring, you just see them light up. We've all been kids before; we've all had our heroes, been fans of somebody and needed that autograph.

I wasn't some stud athlete at school that was destined to be a professional wrestler. I was just an insecure little guy that didn't want to go to school because I had zits on my upper lip.