Evil is easy to fight. Lack of wisdom...that is very hard indeed.

Zia," I said, "that's a goddess. She defeated Bast. What chance do you have?" Zia held up her staff and the carved lion's head burst into flames - a small red fireball so bright, it lit the entire room. "I am a scribe in the House of LIfe, Sadie Kane. I am trained to fight gods.

I thought about all the things I was suddenly able to do—like fight with a sword and summon a magical shell of armor. Those were not things I covered in home school.

I prayed the monsters would give up. Or that perhaps Philip of Macedonia would climb back to the terrace (do crocodiles climb?) and renew the fight.

I was a fight to the death, and I felt great.

Nothing like ADHD and a good fight to the death to make time fly

Monsters don't die. They just dissipate into smoke and dust, which saves heroes a lot of trouble cleaning up after a fight.

Madison Square Gardens is the Mecca of boxing.

People are going to forget all about Herman Ngoudjo after our fight.

At training camp, you brainwash yourself into thinking every,day is the same, no weekends or holidays. It's all the same - a work day. You develop a mental state to just work hard and get ready for the fight.

I fought Miguel Cotto in Madison Square Garden on the eve of the Puerto Rican Day parade - it was like fighting the devil in Hell.

I have the experience to beat Hatton. I've been on the big stage.

People say I don't punch hard, but I say, 'Get in the ring with me and see if it hurts.'

I would love to fight Ricky Hatton.

I have got better over the years, and I know what sort of fighter I am.

As long as the crowd make noise, I will be in my element, whether it is booing or cheering. The main thing is I get a reaction of some kind.

The Americans love Carl Froch. He has brought nothing but excitement to these shores in those Super Six victories he produced.

I wouldn't be surprised if I knocked Ricky Hatton out. It's something that people are going to read and think I'm ridiculous, but if you look beyond what you see with naked eye, every time he gets hit clean, he's hurt.

I just try to be the best fighter I can be.

In fights when I've had the odds stacked against me, I definitely perform better because it's like a challenge to me - and I always like a challenge.

Sometimes it's kind of strange, and it's definitely something I have to work on in the future, but when I'm big favourite in fights, it's almost like I try too hard and try to force things to happen. That always seems to take a bad turn and makes my performance look bad, even if I win.

We both do a lot of similar things with speed and boxing ability, but I think I've got some tricks up my sleeve for Zab. Zab will probably tell you he's got some tricks up his sleeve for me.

I don't really have the desire, as far as love of the game. It's more about the paycheck I can make.

I can't make it doing anything else, the amount of money. Obviously, anybody can go to work and make money, but the paycheck I make boxing, I'm not going to make anywhere else.