The way I train, the way I spar, I'm out of my comfort zone every single day, and you can see the result in my fights.

I was tested against the best.

Just to be fighting for the belt, I was already happy. No pressure at all.

It was priceless. Being the UFC champion and having my kids in the Octagon, my wife, them holding the belt. That was like a movie.

Ever since I was 10 years old doing jiu-jitsu, I've done well against the tall guys.

When you put the pressure on yourself, it's not good. If you fight afraid to lose, you wind up not fighting that good.

I've learned that the key is to fight with no pressure.

I'm a calm-headed fighter. I do my job.

I'm always the underdog, and I go in there and win the fights.

God makes everything in perfect time, and he doesn't give you anything you can't handle.

Normally, as long as I'm telling him what to do, he wins in a fight.

Good fighting with you, Seaweed Brain." Ditto.

Percy: I thought I’d lost my mom forever, and I was stuck on a hill in a thunderstorm fighting this huge bull dude while Grover was passed out wailing. “Food!” It was terrifying, man.

Stop!" he yelled at the others. "Multigrain fighting is not allowed!

Jason always tried to build a good relationship with his team. He'd learned the hard way that if somebody was going to have your back in a fight, it was better if you found some common ground and trusted each other. But Nico wasn't easy to figure out.

What if it lines up like it did in the Trojan War ... Athena versus Poseidon?" "I don't know. But I just know that I'll be fighting next to you." "Why?" "Because you're my friend, Seaweed Brain. Any more stupid questions?

Fighting giants was one thing. Bacchus making into a game was something else.

Now fight me! For today thee House of Hades will be called the saviors of Olympus.

Otis barreled towards them empty-handed, before apparently realizing that a) he was empty-handed and b) charging towards a large body of water to fight a son of Poseidon was maybe not a good idea.

Otis barreled towards them empty-handed, before apparently realizing that a) he was empty-handed and b) charging towards a large body of water to fight a son of Poseidon was maybe not a good idea.

He remembered his home now, and that gave him new determination to succeed. He was fighting for two camps now -- two families.

Nothing like watching your relatives fight, I always say.

The most dangerous flaws are those which are good in moderation," she said. "Evil is easy to fight. Lack of wisdom… that is very hard indeed.

Yay!' he said. 'Now we can eat peanut butter sandwiches and ride fish ponies! We can fight monsters and see Annabeth and make things go BOOM!