British boxing fans are amazing, and the O2 is one of the best venues in the world.

I'm a competitor in anything I do, especially boxing.

I haven't got the credit I deserved sometimes, and some of it's my fault.

I do best when guys come at me. Stylistically, the Ricky Hatton fight is the best fight for me.

I didn't mentally prepare as well for Ngoudjo as I should have. I was a little lax in the fight.

Ricky Hatton has no sense of anticipation of what's coming his way. You can teach him all you want, but he doesn't have those instincts.

I think I should I have beaten Ricky Hatton. I never thought he was so great, I really think I have the style to beat him. I never thought he was that good, you know.

Money can make money if you're intelligent about it and don't waste it the wrong way.

I'm not complaining. I've made a very good living from boxing, better than any living I possibly could have done. Having said that, you don't live the rest of your life off the money you make in boxing. You still have to create positive forms of income.

You get the reality checks during the course of your adult life and your career, and you realize that as good as the money in boxing is, most of the time people most don't make Ray Leonard or Oscar De La Hoya money, even if you make very good money.

I thought I would make so much money and be the next Ray Leonard. Maybe it was farfetched, but I thought I could be a megastar. I could fight, and I had a lot of crossover appeal that was necessary to promote myself. I thought I'd make a ton of money and live off of it the rest of my life.

Curtis Axel has more talent than his grandfather and his father.

Even my enemies would acknowledge that I'm a great judge of talent, and this statement will be proven true time and time again.

The problem with these UFC fighters - and they're all fantastic athletes, top of the line in the entire world - is that they wear their bodies down in these training camps. All these guys that are cutting weight are just destroying their own bodies.

Brock Lesnar does what Brock Lesnar wants to do.

If Brock Lesnar wants to fight in UFC, Brock Lesnar will fight in UFC. If Brock Lesnar wants to fight in WWE, he will fight in WWE.

I think Brock Lesnar does whatever Brock Lesnar wants to do.

A little humbling never hurt a great advocate.

Defeat is a wonderful experience if it motivates you to never forget you're only as good as your last performance.

My father was an attorney in the state of New York, which is where I came up with the term 'advocate.'

I think Sting would be denying his fans a great moment if Sting did not step into WWE competition at least once. I have always been a huge admirer of what Sting brings to the table and his relationship with his audience, and I would be dramatically disappointed if Sting does not wrestle a WWE match.

I never looked at ECW as wrestling. I always considered it more of a theology. I don't know whether I had or didn't have a messianic complex during that time. But I bought into the movement as much as, if not more than, anybody else. If I sold anyone on the religion of extreme, I was its number-one customer.

Where Brock Lesnar would be without Paul Heyman? He would certainly be on top. He would certainly be the number one box office attraction. He would just be doing it without someone who truly understands his persona like I do.

If you show me someone who's afraid of failure, I'll show you someone who is not a groundbreaking, innovative pioneer of a certain industry.