I haven't wanted to portray a manager since Paul E. Dangerously was with the Samoan Swat Team in 1989. I've always wanted to do some different presentation in that role. I don't consider myself a manager - I'm an advocate, and I truly believe that that is the description for the role that I play.

WrestleMania is an experience. It's an overall ride, its ups and its downs and its curves and its music. It's presentation, and it's emotion, and it's paying tribute to the past and progressing the product into the future. It's career-defining moments for people who live for career-defining moments.

No one goes to WrestleMania wanting to walk away goin,g 'Yeah, it was okay, but I thought last year's was better.'

Brock Lesnar is an extraordinary, underrated forward thinker. Every day of Brock's life, he is smarter than he was the day before.

Ronda Rousey is a groundbreaker. She is one who charts through territory that has never been explored before and is one of the biggest sports stars in the world, male or female.

Goldberg was as close to a cultural icon as WCW ever produced.

Goldberg is authentic. What you see is what you get, and he's a wrecking machine.

Triple H is one of the greatest in-ring performers of all-time.

People are remembered for defining moments in their career.

The whole concept of ECW was that the biggest star of the promotion was the promotion itself. It didn't matter if a persona was designed to elicit cheers or boos. It didn't matter if someone was an antagonist or protagonist. The whole concept was to fight for the honor of the cause. The cause was ECW itself.

Shane Douglas's work in the first 11 months as The Franchise of ECW was so groundbreaking. He made people forget about his on-air persona in WCW and successfully reinvented himself as The Franchise in ECW.

Kurt Angle is an Olympic gold medalist, one of the greatest in-ring performers of all-time.

I don't think anything Ronda Rousey does is going to be the norm. I think everything she does is going to set a new trend and blaze a new trail.

The Dangerous Alliance consists of the following - 'The Advocate' Paul Heyman and 'The Beast' Brock Lesnar. That Dangerous Alliance is the single most formidable faction in the history of sports entertainment. We don't need Four Horsemen. We don't need three Freebirds. We don't need a Legion of Doom.

I mean, truly, in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king, and if you can't spot that CM Punk is magic from the moment he walks in the door, then you're reading a playbook from an antiquated writer.

Ronda Rousey is a woman of extraordinary accomplishment, and anything that Ronda Rousey does is going to come with extreme scrutiny because she is such a pivotal figure in not only American sports but in global sports as well.

I can go off-point, I can go off-word, I can go off-paragraph, but I can never go off message.

I've always been of the opinion that great talent can't be held down.

If you look at who emerged on the horizon 12 to 18 months after ECW stopped running shows, I think it's very reasonable to believe that we would have picked up CM Punk and several of the other young stars that emerged in the independent scene in the early part of that decade. Punk obviously is the one that I would hope I would have noticed.

I'm involved with projects that strike up a passion with me, that stir up completion inside of me. People come at me and go, 'My job makes me feel alive.' OK, well, good for you. My job doesn't make me feel 'alive,' my job makes me feel alive!

I've known the members of Roman Reigns' family since I was 15 years old.

Madison Square Garden to any New York kid is the center of the universe. Even going there as a fan is like stepping up to the plate at Yankee Stadium. You know you're in the grand cathedral.

I don't ever recall being nervous before performing because I've already stepped into the shoes and the clothes of the character.

I took the antiquated, outdated, passe role of the wrestling manager, and I upgraded it into the upper echelon of sports entertainment to be known as an advocate.