No, I've never been frightened before a fight.

I know there is not a featherweight out there who I couldn't beat.

I've won every title, and I've done everything in my division.

There isn't a featherweight who can beat me.

During my career, there were times we were inseparable, and I can honestly say that if it were not for Brendan Ingle, I would not have achieved all I did in the sport of boxing.

When you become a world champion and you defend your title for five or six years, and you have fifteen defences of your title, and you round up most of the other belts - and you feel you're the best of your generation at the time - nobody can take that away from you.

When I used to leave behind my wife and kids and go into training camp for nine weeks at a time, I felt it, especially if you're having young children and leaving them literally within weeks of them being born.

In my life, my religion comes first, and obviously, my family comes second.

When you are challenging for the world title, you've got to go into the lion's den to try and rip that belt away from the champion.

Boxing has lost its glamour and excitement. I'm going to bring it back.

As a father, you become more responsible.

I just feel proud when they say in 'Forbes' magazine that the highest-paid athlete is a fighter.

I am excited by and impressed with Anthony Joshua, but Anthony has a long way to go. At first, I thought Anthony was similar to a Frank Bruno figure, but after a few fights, I realised he's nothing like Frank Bruno. He's very athletic.

I want to produce champions from Saudi Arabia and throughout the region.

I'm Yemeni, proud to be Yemeni. I'm public Yemeni number one!

My career was a gift that I'm very happy about. I loved every step of it. I was blessed. I won all the titles and put my stamp on the sport.

I could have brought Kevin Kelley to my own backyard and beat him up there. But I didn't want to do that. I wanted to come to his own backyard and bring him down in front of his own crowd, a place he loves.

I love it when fighters are textbook.

You're either good at boxing, or you're not.

I am not into guys who powder-puff punch and run round the ring for 12 rounds. I'm into guys that want to shock the world with devastating power.

I may be born in the U.K., but nobody takes away from the fact that I'm an Arab, and I'm proud to be Arab.

Ali could only fight a couple of ways. I can fight five or six different ways.

It doesn't mean much to me if I'm behind or not in a fight; the fact is that I hold these guns in my right and left hands.

I lit up the Middle East when I lit up the world in the 1990s and gave people here something to be proud of.