The Royal Rumble is rich with history and one of the most popular events in WWE history.

Ever since I was a kid, I have loved writing. It has always been one of my passions.

When I look back on my own experiences with Mean Gene, I always remember such a kind man willing to offer insight with his vast knowledge on the industry.

If I've learned anything from TJ, it's that life is a fine balance of holding on, letting go, and never looking back unless it's to admire how far you've come.

Writing is very liberating and therapeutic.

My life has been filled with beautiful memories of my father. You often hear people talk about 'daddy's girl.' Well, that was me.

When WWE announced that the women's division will be getting Tag Team Championships, I don't think there was a girl in the locker room who wasn't totally pumped.

Thanks to all members of the military around the world for giving me the ultimate motivation.

Halloween simply has a special feel about it. School is back, everyone is settled into their routines following summer, and there is pumpkin spice everywhere.

Stampede Wrestling was a promotion started by my grandfather, Stu Hart. When I was competing for them, I would come out 'through the curtain,' slapping everyone's hands to my ring song, Cyndi Lauper's 'Girls Just Want to Have Fun.'

Something that can instantly lift my mood is hitting the gym with a friend.

It's true: teamwork makes the dream work.

Sometimes the best thing we can ask for is change, and a fresh start forces us to confront change head-on.

I often feel like everything is moving so fast that I can barely recount where I was the day before, what I had for breakfast, or how great my workout was.

Hope keeps us going.

To me, Roman Reigns was WWE's version of Superman, and he was our locker room leader on 'Raw.'

Often the most unexpected, unpredictable moments in life are the ones that leave the biggest impression and that teach us to roll with the punches.

I love that in celebrating Halloween, we can get lost in the magic of make-believe and fantasy no matter what age we are!

I couldn't be more proud of my little sister and the mother she is and am also incredibly proud of my mom and the huge influence she's had on myself, my sisters, and now her grandchildren.

Different is good, and being different is what makes us stand out in the world.

Every lesson is a blessing!

Teamwork can build friendships that last a lifetime.

I'm unbeatable and untouchable.

I know I look arrogant, but I'm altogether a different person outside the ring.