I am big on writing to-do lists and having new goals to reach all the time, as it keeps me motivated and inspired.

As awkward as it is to manoeuvre a ladder around the squared circle, there is an incredible art to 'excellently executing' a ladder match.

It's empowering and uplifting to hear the Special Olympics athletes share their journey and what's helped them to get to where they are today. I had no idea how much I'd learn and grow by taking part in Special Olympics. It's made me think about my own journey and what's important in life.

Special Olympics is such an empowering organization for the thousands of athletes involved and those of us like myself who lend support to them.

Sometimes showing off produces results.

I have a small circle of great friends who push me when I need it, tell me when I need to pick up my pace, and who make me want to be better. Sometimes, when I start procrastinating and just need to find that pep in my step, I think of how far I've come and how we can all be role models in our every day lives.

It's motivating to think that you, as one person, can make a world of difference in someone else's life.

As for my own fitness, with my packed schedule, I try to mix it up with different things every day. That includes powerlifting, isometrics, yoga, sprints, jogging, and, of course, wrestling. I've learned that all you need to do is move and do different things to challenge yourself.

Our WWE Universe is such a huge part of all the positive changes happening for the Women's Evolution because they spoke up, and WWE heard their voices.

If you're really good in the ring, there's no limits to what you can do in the WWE as a woman!

I debuted in WWE right around the time when the 'Attitude Era' ended and WWE programming switched to Parental Guidance. Back then, we had one champion, and if you weren't the champion or the challenger, securing television time was often challenging.

Growing up, I had no idea just how hard my dad worked to make it all work.

I loved reminiscing with my dad about his matches with the Bulldogs and his partnership with my uncle Bret Hart as the Hart Foundation.

My dad meant so much to myself and the entire family.

If I were to pick a favorite SummerSlam match of all time, there's one iconic match that comes to mind: SummerSlam 1992, Bret Hart vs. The British Bulldog at Wembley Stadium in front of more than 80,000 people.

My dad loved being a part of 'Total Divas' and sharing that special connection that we shared in having the same careers in WWE.

Lita was the perfect blend of pretty and punk, Lucha with a gothic edge and a high-flyer who could take on anyone, anytime, anyplace. She truly was ahead of her time.

Lita was, quite frankly, a trailblazer. She was the first woman to break down barriers by being different from other women in WWE. She didn't just break them down: she flew over them, put them through tables, and downright destroyed them.

In 2010, I defeated Michelle McCool and Layla to win my first championship in WWE. It was a surreal feeling that all of my hard work had paid off that night in Miami.

Germany has a deep respect for the Hart family, especially Bret 'The Hitman' Hart.

The fans are different in every country, but I've yet to perform in a place where they're not passionate for us.

Every single one of us needs hope.

Cancer doesn't discriminate, and in WWE, we have made it our mantra that cancer is 'unacceptable.'

Our memories are the keys to our past and everything we've ever worked for, fought for, and dreamed of.