I held off on having kids and getting married so I could fight. I gave my life to this.

Don't tell me I'm crazy. I'm out here acting natural.

I love athletics and martial-arts and competition because it gets me right and puts me in the right place.

I'm the most overworked, overtrained, underpaid fighter.

I just come to fight. Whatever happens out there happens.

I'm a pay-per-view without a title.

If you don't find time to meditate and get all that negative out, and if you don't have the right people being positive around you, this is a very scary job to have if you don't learn how to control your fear.

In order to love fighting, I have to hate it.

I'm the original Conor McGregor. I'm the original model of Conor McGregor. He wouldn't be who he is if it wasn't for me. Nothing against him. I'm the original real deal.

My first experience of doing martial arts was weird, real traditional, strange smell with incense burning. We did a lot of bowing, it was a lot of path of least resistance and go with the flow... Really good stuff for when you're at a young age.

I've never backed out of a fight in my life. That's not what I do.

I don't have anything against Georges St-Pierre. I think he's a great fighter. I think he's a nice guy just like everybody else, and he's a great role model. I would love to be that too if I was in that position.

I had a really hot girlfriend in high school and I'd get into fights over that. And by the time I got into high school, I was moved around into a lot of schools, so I was getting into fights in high school.

This is my life. It's everything I do, train eight-hour days every day.

I'm fighting hard, I'm training hard. I'm still walking over people and stepping over people to get where I'm going and I would really like to give back especially to my mom, who was there for me when I was a kid.

I don't owe nobody nothing.

People want to see real skill level, real Jiu Jitsu, real boxing, put together and mixed up. They want to see mixed martial arts. They don't want to see five minutes of holding. I think there should be points deducted when you do that.

Everybody points their finger at me and says that I'm the crazy guy and this thug.

When I was growing up, I remember my uncle Bret 'Hitman' Hart having his own column in the Calgary Sun. To me, this was beyond cool.

Writing has always been an incredible outlet for me to feel like I have a voice, even when sometimes I was the only one reading my work. It has been a way for me to unlock my imagination. That's when the world becomes yours, after all.

Something that helps me build more optimism in the dead of winter is not staying up too late and waking up early.

Going to work out with a friend also forces me to 'keep the date' because it's more difficult to bail on them. A good friend at the gym can go a long way.

Relationships are so important to me. Talking to someone, listening to them, and even writing a handwritten note or giving someone a picture in a frame has become a lost art because we are inclined to just do it all through technology.

Like anyone, I like having goals to work towards. That said, I've also learned that you have to start with baby steps to reach your dreams, whether big or small.