I do what I've got to do to survive, to keep my teeth in my head, and my head on my shoulders. I apologize to whoever can't put that together and understand that.

Sometimes you win some, sometimes you lose some, sometimes you can't be at 100 percent.

I don't like that I'm made out to be this evil person, who needs to be shot down and conquered.

It's a really complicated road if you're an MMA fighter.

I'd like to be thought of as someone who keeps it real.

I'm just going to do what I always do: train. And when it's time to fight, I go fight.

Stockton is a great fight town because if you drive long enough on some of these roads, you'll probably see a pretty good street fight.

You know what? I've never paid taxes in my life. I'm probably going to go to jail.

I've learned from my mistakes in the past, why I thought I've lost fights before.

I like Georges. I'm a fan of Georges St-Pierre. I appreciate everything he does, and how he does everything to win, and it meets the scoring criteria that sucks.

I think it's rude of the UFC to try and lowball me and expect me to negotiate a deal while I'm training for a fight.

Belts aren't important. It's the fights that are important. Important to the fans, important to the show.

The UFC wants me to fight. The people want me to fight. I don't want me to fight.

Martial arts, when I do martial arts, it's more of a life type of training.

I don't like to hurt people for fun.

They pay me way too much money but not enough as far as I'm concerned.

I drink 10 pounds of water and sweat out 10 pounds of water every day.

When someone tells you a fighter's injured and they tell you to go after an injury, it really throws you off.

I'm trying to live life like a normal person.

I didn't graduate eighth grade. I could have, but I got into too many fights in middle school.

I may not be able to keep fighting for money for a living, but I will always have to fight for my dignity, because that's who I am.

I felt like my job is to go out there and put on a good show, amazing fights and give an amazing effort and hope that people can recognize that sort of thing, and maybe they would want to find out more.

You know, I'm never really 100-percent in any of those fights, because it's so hard to have perfect preparation for fighting and cutting weight and making 170 pounds, and being in the best shape for training camp and to make that cut.

I don't like the way the cage is set up. I think it's really dangerous that the metal comes up about three inches off the ground. People were putting their foot on it. I can see it. And I was worried about being taken down and landing backwards with my elbow. and damaging my elbow or even my head.