I'll fight anywhere.

I'm ready to fight anybody.

What I do is, I fight.

I'm not no chump.

You see me. What you see is what you get. You get real martial arts, you get real fighting, you get a real warrior mentality. Some people aren't mature enough to handle it.

I don't care about the Strikeforce belt.

I did aikido when I was four years old.

Stylistically, though, I've always liked Carlos Condit, because he at least amounted to at least the level of doing what I do. I mean, but I think he stands a little upright.

Have you ever seen me knock somebody out and make a big scene? Hell no.

I don't have to worry about being a good role model.

A lot of guys have to worry about what their wives and kids think, I don't.

I just never try to beat somebody on the scorecards. It's never happened. It's not in me, I think.

I had my mom drive me to practice everywhere. I'm really grateful I had her.

You can't lie to the fans. They know what they want to see.

Give me some real chocolate. Real fighters eat real chocolate.

I'm not hard to find. I'm on Snapchat and Instagram every day.

I live a fight life, I can do what I want to win a fight.

You don't always come off the way that you want to or look the way you want to. I go out there and just act up and become the evil villain, and I'm calling guys out and stuff. It seems to have worked. I'm getting the fights I want.

People like to talk a lot about me, about how I have anxiety or social disorders. I'll admit to anxiety, but it has nothing to do with media or being in front of a camera or being around people. It has to do with dealing with the sparring that I'm going to have or the workouts that I'm going to have from day to day.

My mom and dad taught me nothing but ABCs.

I'm not going backwards in this sport ever, especially in pay. Why would I?

For the most part, since the time I was in EliteXC fighting, maybe there were one or two fights here and there that they had me to win, but for the most part I've been an underdog. I'm not a kickboxer so I'm going to lose to a kickboxer. I'm not a wrestler, my wrestling sucks, so I'm going to lose to a wrestler.

I am a fighter. It's what I am.

That's a disgusting thought to have to fight my brother. I don't even appreciate being asked about that.