My kids are four years apart. They're constantly fighting, hitting each other, grabbing the toy away from the other.

If I look forward to bigger fights, than the biggest fight for me is Manny Pacquiao.

I've been dropped. You get up, and you win the fight.

I have a blue 2010 Dodge Challenger SRT, the first car I ever bought. I didn't want it to just be a regular Challenger. I wanted it to be different. So I sent it out to Richard Petty's garage in North Carolina, completely tricked it out - a one-of-a-kind built for me and we changed the name of it from 'Challenger' to 'Champion.'

I stopped trying to plan a long time ago - whatever's meant to happen for me in the future will happen.

I grew up listening to all music, not just country.

I do not want to get hit in the face for real. I'll get mad.

It's cool to be able to give your fans, and people in your life, a look at a lot of things that are going on.

Probably the first artist who really captured me was Tim McGraw. His songs 'Don't Take the Girl' and 'Indian Outlaw' were fun, and he was different than a lot of artists.

I wanted to have something to fall back on. I got my degree in business administration.

I kept doing tryouts, and finally, after five years I got signed by WWE.

My stepfather was a country music fan, and I grew up on a horse farm, so the older country, that's what he listened to.

I have kind of reached the pinnacle of wrestling.

I love English and literature.

I've always wanted to run my horse farm.

I'm not against competitive racing. I obviously grew up with horses.

I have horses.

One really never knows what tomorrow holds. That's why you make the most of every moment - good, bad, or indifferent - and own it like only you can.

I've had a lot of opportunities to grow inside and out as a performer, artist, and a woman.

I definitely want to go down as the greatest of all time. That's what anyone who has ever wanted something believes.

I think it's human nature to say, 'You're a wrestler. That is what you do.' I think it can be hard sometimes for people to understand that you can have more than one thing you like to do.

I have planned my whole future, my whole life. And nine out of 10 times, it never happens the way you want or plan or think it's going to happen.

I've always wanted to sing so badly, but I didn't think it was something that was possible for me. Plus, I didn't think I was good at it.

It's always a big thing when you get to hold the championship because it shows that not only are you capable but that the company as a whole has faith in you.