I guarantee you, 9 out of 10 people in the world wouldn't step in the ring and do what I do, nor could they. I think we have one of the hardest jobs in the world.

You don't want to lose the nostalgia of being a superstar.

We've all had our share of relationships failed.

I love healthy competition, since I already know I'm the best in the world.

Now I find my happiness in my music, what I'm doing in the ring, and being a mom. No one thing controls my happiness.

When I was younger, my mom worked at a roller rink, so I'd go all the time. I learned to skate pretty well. I won the limbo all the time.

I don't kiss and tell.

I've always believed that I performed better under pressure.

When the lights in the arena turn on, I'm Mickie James all the time.

Before Lita, women weren't doing moonsaults, hurricanrana, and other high-flying maneuvers. I think she really changed the game in the women's division.

Most people know that Lita has been, as far as my wrestling career is concerned, a big influence even before I came to the WWE. We met when I was working the independent scene in North Carolina. She's always been so kind to me and helped me out a lot.

The key is that you never check the championship. You always carry it on. So when you're going through TSA, it's always a treat because, for some reason, they always like to pull it out and hold it way above their head and throw it over their shoulder and put it across their waist, see what it looks like on them.

Obviously, my wrestling boots end up going with me everywhere, because you just never know.

I do have little trinkets. I'm a little bit of a hippie, so I have my wisdom rock - it goes with me; it's always in my purse, wherever I go. That's just me, being a hippie.

When I retire, I want to retire the right way.

I watched WWE as a child. I was a fan.

I would like to take on Charlotte. That would be fun because I've been friends with Ric Flair. He does nothing but brag about her. He is proud of her, as he should be.

I think what GFW is doing is cool and unique. They're taking some of the talent you've seen elsewhere or haven't had a chance to see before because there's so much talent everywhere.

I just love working.

To see how far female wrestling has come is just inspiring and incredible.

I feel like my music at least allows me to release the other side of me, a more vulnerable and sensitive side.

I don't want to retire on the independent scene. I don't want my legacy to be remembered as that.

I love being on the road. I sit at home too long, and I start to go a bit stir crazy.

To be a true star, you need to find that balance in between shining the light on the professional wrestling aspect, of being the absolute best in the ring, but also being the best character and finding that balance in between them.