I've got so much respect for 'Bond.' It's such an iconic cultural behemoth. I love the whole story - Ian Fleming's stories are amazing.

Sometimes life throws you a shortcut. You either take it, or you continue the way you were going.

When you're in a seat getting your hair done, there's this instant trust.

I was raised on Hong Kong movies with Asian stars, so I'm still learning about Hollywood underrepresenting certain people.

My background is in broadcast television - I used to be a travel host for BBC, Discovery, and National Geographic.

Luckily, I've got a great wife who keeps me in check, who keeps me grounded.

People look to cinema to spread the word and to tell these wonderful, outrageous stories or true-to-life documentaries.

When it comes to Eurasians, are we not allowed to embrace either one of our cultures we feel more attached to? Or decide within ourselves that I am Asian and I am proud to be Asian?

I've lived more than half my life in Asia.

I feel so much more connected with my Asian side than I do with my British side - of course, I'm proud of my British side.

There's no real test of how Asian you need to be to be able to own your Asianness, and it's always going to be an area of contention.

Growing up in Malaysia, there wasn't really a problem with representation. We saw faces like ours on screen because Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, China and Hong Kong all have their own film markets. It was only until I went back to the U.K. when I realized, 'Where did all these faces go?'

Being able to work on a film like 'Crazy Rich Asians' as your first role is phenomenal.

Movies were the one thing that I loved my entire life. So I always knew that I wanted to get into acting - I just didn't know when.

I was a hairstylist in London up until the age of 21, working in Sloane Square.

I learned in life from a very young age that I soaked in a lot more from people that I respected and could learn from rather than a textbook.

I'm, like, an Internet fiend. I will research anything and everything that pops into my head.

YouTube is my university.

When the success of 'Crazy Rich' hit, it's like everybody knows exactly who you are, and the way that they speak to you is different. I've stayed the same throughout. It's just people's perception of you changes.

We had a very strict upbringing.

I loved early Paul Newman films. He just had this effortless charm.

I'm a big fan of old Hollywood.

I was one of three kids of colour in our school. There was a young black brother and sister, and me. So we stood out.

Kids are ruthless.