Timeless wearability has always appealed to me.

I keep telling everybody with pride that my first-ever timepiece was a Cartier.

I've been a huge Cartier fan from my very early days.

I'm definitely more Asian than a lot of people who have never been to Asia. But by blood and by race, they instantly say I deserve to be Asian. I've worked really hard to be Asian, and I think I'm Asian enough.

I've lived so many different Asian cultures.

I grew up in Asia. I was born in Asia.

I feel more Asian than anything.

There are some sour people out there, but we should be getting together and fighting for something bigger rather than Asians against Asians.

Asian men are sexy, confident, and passionate - and three-dimensional. We want the opportunity to portray roles that reflect who we are in real life.

Some people don't even say hello. They come up and say, 'Can I take your picture?' and I'm, like, 'Why?' And they say, 'Oh, you're that guy.' And I'm, like, 'Why do you want a photo of me if you don't even know my name?'

There was a stage when I was a little embarrassed about my Asian upbringing.

I always have three or four suits; there's always an engagement to wear something from a suit.

I don't believe in having regrets.

Michelle Yeoh is the biggest amazing female Asian star in the universe.

I'm here to carve out a strong career in the leading-man space.

There was always a struggle with being Asian and not being Asian enough. It's going to be down to me to own my race.

Making something the norm is the only way of not making it a talking point.

It was quite strange that people were saying I wasn't Asian enough. It's like, 'Oh, you're not Asian enough to play an Asian role.' So what does that mean for people who come from mixed heritage? I grew up in Asia; I'm Malaysian.

You own your identity; it is important to feel that way.

If you're looking for longevity, you have to be a hard worker.

I don't want to be defined as the Asian leading man. I want to be the leading man. Henry Golding.

Ang Lee - he is amazing. I think doing a film with him would be breathtaking.

I have an obscene fascination with cats... It's kind of embarrassing. But they're so cute.

In 'Crazy Rich Asians,' Singapore will be seen as it should be seen, without CGI, without the altering of the images to be more Chinese - a representation of Singapore as we know it and love it.