Although we are busy with our own work, we still try and spend time together. At the same time, we give each other space. I think that is the key to a successful marriage.

I used to paint.

Starting from scratch and seeing the smile on a client's face when it all comes together in the end - it's a lovely feeling.

I would have been an artist, because I studied art and history in school and college.

For me, it's all about balancing your priorities.

Interior design wasn't something I rushed into.

Shah Rukh himself, if he wasn't an actor, would probably have liked to become an architect or interior designer. He's totally into buying property, building, and decorating.

When I avoided interviews, it was mainly because I didn't want to speak only about my personal life.

I was never obsessed with fashion. I go for whatever looks good.

I don't come from a space where I gush and praise - the world is doing enough of that.

My love for interior designing has always been there.

I would tell all women entrepreneurs to stay focussed and positive. One just needs to keep moving without looking back.

When you are passionate about something, you don't need external motivation to work towards achieving it.

Inspiration is around you. Like, when I travel any country, be it Paris or London, while walking on the streets, the architecture, the restaurants all inspire me. Inspiration for design could be anywhere.

I have to be comfortable with what I wear. I don't care if I don't look that great. Comfort is most important to me.

I prefer single statement pieces like solitaire earrings and a elegant ring.

I have been constantly working on the interiors of my homes in Delhi, Goa, Dubai, Mumbai, and the Red Chillies Building. I had been designing homes, too. Having a background in art, graphic design, and charcoal helped me in my work immensely.

All I need is to wake up in the morning, go to the gym, feel healthy, get to work, be creative, come back home to the kids.

My signature line of clothing for Satya Paul will showcase a distinctive aspect of my own personal style.

I never considered interior design as a career option. I had designed a couple of our homes, and people liked my work. Friends came forward and asked me to help them do up their homes, and that's how it started.

You may not always be as successful as you want to be, but you have to stay goal-oriented. Put in all your efforts, and you will see the results.

Styles are so fluid, forever changing, that as a designer, you have to keep learning and keep growing your tastes, along with catering to the needs of your client.

Our home in Dubai is a beach house, so it's more casual and not formal in its tone. It's a holiday home. We are mostly in the pool or on the beach or in the sun. It's an outdoor place for the family. So there are mudbikes, a boat, football posts, and the pool is heated.

It was a wonderful experience to design the Pride of Cows limited-edition bottle.