Every home, office, club, yacht, landscape, or piece of furniture I may design will be different from the other. What will be consistent, however, is my own personal sense of style through it all.

I have a stronger personality than Shah Rukh. He is an entity on his own, and I don't consider him a superstar when I'm with him in the house. He's just my husband, and I respect him as that.

I feel that I am leading a very normal life, where I am just another working woman like anyone else.

Shah Rukh has definitely been my inspiration. He is extremely focused in his work and is extremely ambitious.

I think it's important to keep moving forward so that the soul can grow.

Gauri Khan Designs has bespoke furniture for your living room - and the outdoors, too!

Shah Rukh is very romantic in real life, too.

Personally, one of the greatest sources of inspiration for my work has been architecture. I've had the chance to see so many exquisite structures, whether they are historical monuments or modern commercial premises.

I was an arts student. I did graphic design. Being an artist, I did a lot of paintings. I have always had that creative side to me.

I have a passion for design. Be it a line of clothes or taking a gut decision with unique pieces of furniture, one should always be willing to experiment.

The thought of buying a gift and wrapping is too much of an effort for me.

I'm sure I will reach a position in my life where people will understand it's not about being Mrs. Shah Rukh Khan but about the work I do.

When your heart is in the right place and you give your best, nothing can go wrong.

My design preference tends towards warmth, comfort, and minimalism.

Time for creative ideation and quiet reflection is as much a luxury as is the physical beauty of the space you live in.

Dining should be a delightful and a beautiful experience.

My designs are free-flowing in their approach, and I want to create an ambience of warmth and tranquility.

I feel nervous before performing in live concerts, but it does not last more than five minutes.

One fear setting on filmmakers is that the audience no longer has any patience. They want things to constantly move.

I was a complete vagabond till the age of 20, when I got my first job as an assistant director with Pankaj Parashar.

Difficulty does not deter me. In fact, I find challenges exciting.

I basically like a bit more control. Even in my personal life, I need things to be done on time. If it's not done, I get impatient.

'BMB' has opened up a world of possibilities. It has inspired me to believe that the really difficult things in life can be achieved by sheer application.

To me, 'Bhaag Milkha Bhaag' is definitely a landmark. It has taught me so much.