Every time you work with a new co-star, a whole new dynamic emerges.

For me, to consciously seek unpredictable roles would be dangerous.

Music was something I had put aside to make movies. Somehow I earlier felt there was only so much creative energy allotted to your life and only that much time to pursue your creativity. But I was wrong.

It's very important to enjoy whatever you do in life.

For 'Rock On,' we not only acted as rock musicians; we also went into the studio to record songs and jammed live to get the concert feel right.

There is a certain highlighting of issues, be it emotional, be it social, or simply an entertainment one: they can be written or directed by a woman differently, with a different voice. I feel that their voice needs to be given more stage and more space.

As much as a man would like to believe that he understands women, there is simply that much that he can write from their point of view or really understand them.

Definitely, I feel that there is a need for more female producers, directors, and writers.

I used to lie a lot as a child, which I now regret. I think it is much easier just to tell the truth.

I think all kids are rebellious. It's a part of growing up.

I think, the world over, new ideas have come from young people. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but it is rare that new or radical ideas come from old people.

Every movie gets exactly what it deserves.

I wish I'd got my driving license at 18, not 22. I also wish I had graduated earlier, even though I didn't finish college.

I'm a bit of an extremist.

I cannot imagine of making a film without Boman Irani.

Even when I was writing the script for 'Don,' I suspected it could lead to a sequel.

Whatever films I make, the mandate is that it should touch the audiences and engage them from the first scene.

I realised that I enjoyed direction while making 'DCH.' The process of putting a film together and working with the cast and crew felt good.

It amazes me how much noise there is on a set while people are trying to focus and do their jobs. But there's some kind of order within that chaos.

It was interesting to write ad films and scripts for TV shows before I moved on to writing a feature film. That helped me grow as a writer, and I also found out how long I could sit in front of a computer and see something through.

To hear someone talk about their life - you get to know the way their eyes moisten up, how big the smile is or how comfortable their body language is while talking to someone.

I think if I had a choice, I'd like to be in a film with De Niro.

I have been a fan of movies from a very young age, and somehow, the magic of that - every single time I hear something or read something that could be made into a wonderful film or something somebody is asking me to be a part of - that connects. It just makes me feel like I'm going to be part of something magical again.

With 'Dil Chahta Hai' being the first film and 'Lakshya' being the second, what people can expect from Excel Entertainment as a company, and from me as a director, is just good, clean entertainment. And hopefully, some residue of an idea or thought that you can take home and mull over.