We have to stop using words like 'that time of the month' or other such variations. Say it: I have my periods. There is nothing to be shy or embarrassed about.

If you talk to a woman, she will give you at least five incidents in a day, 5-10 in a month, where she had to work harder to prove herself because she is a 'woman,' maybe at a male-dominated work place or when she has to come across as a smarter woman if she is good-looking.

The CBFC is only mirroring society.

I have no issue with the CBFC.

I believe in life after death.

'Balika' is not my type of show, so I don't watch it.

Television is about identifying with the characters.

Most of my work is in my mind.

I don't work that hard.

If you depict one home and the drama moving around one family, people love it because the characters become identifiable.

I am a terrible actor.

The reason for certain shows not doing well or as per expectations is that they were not aired on not so popular channels.

I can't create magic, where all my serials will have the highest ratings.

All my shows airing on different channels have been the top shows.

I don't think 'Jurassic Park' could have been so much fun had Spielberg not made a 'Schindler's List.'

My creative team filters the scripts before they reach me and a few others. We evaluate them, ponder over the budget, and think of various possibilities to get the viewer excited.

You cannot predict how well a film will do.

I never said anything bad about Smriti, nor did she speak against me.

It is very difficult for an actor to replace another actor who has already created an image.

I am not a person who will mince words.

If I don't like a person, I always speak out.

Creative instinct is personal.

TV is very mass, especially now that boxes are shifting to small towns.

I'd rather make my own mistakes and pay for them rather than pay for mistakes that are formulistic.