Brummies make great audiences.

We come to Birmingham every January for the 'Britain's Got Talent' auditions and always have a great time.

You can't not be star-struck by Mary Berry.

I love Leon and June and I love 'Gogglebox,' it's a brilliant show.

People would always try and set me up, which was awkward. You can't set me up on a blind date because she will automatically know more about me.

We kind of owe everything to 'Byker Grove.' It's where we learnt to do what we do.

I don't know if I get any mail. I think I just get bills.

We don't get any hate mail.

There's been times when it has been tough professionally.

Thank you to everyone who works with us on our shows for making us look like we know what we're doing.

No one looks forward to getting old do they?

We need to start saying no to stuff.

We did 'Friends Like These' on BBC and 'Slap Bang' on ITV which didn't work as well.

When we used to watch some BBC kids' shows it felt like some of the presenters were parental figures, we wanted to be their cheeky uncles really, their fun uncles, and speak to them on their level.

We always had one eye on doing Saturday night TV even when we were back doing mornings. That's where we wanted to go to get a bigger audience.

Nobody ever sets out to make a flop, but it's going to happen. You have to pick yourself up, dust yourself down and say: 'Right, we go again.'

We got sacked for the first time when we were just 18 and you realise that this whole industry is transient and changeable.

We've talked about a sitcom and a comedy drama. It's getting the right project and working with the right people.

I was a bit nervous before I got married and Ant said to me: 'Honestly, it just gets better.' It's amazing and the best thing I ever did.

You know you're getting older when the record executives start getting younger.

We're incredibly lucky and I get to work with my best mate - I don't know why I'd ever want to stop doing that really.

I do like 'Question Time.'

When we met Susan Boyle she was a very unassuming lady. We didn't expect anything and we were probably a little dismissive of her.

When we became TV presenters, I found a place for myself and Ant bought the house for sale two doors away.