We did a version of 'You Bet' called 'Wanna Bet' in the U.S. a couple of years ago. It was a good little show but the network put it on over the summer on Mondays so nobody watched it.

Put your head down and work hard and you can achieve what you want. You can end up in Buckingham Palace.

It's naive to think we're the only living beings in this universe.

I think we're paid a going rate for how well our shows do.

When times were good, we made more money. When times are bad, we make less money.

I go for a sensible dinner with the wife when I can.

I learnt violin at school and hated it. I wish I'd learnt guitar or piano.

Animals are great but babies are the most magical thing ever.

Right is what you should do, wrong is what you really want to do.

I think Ant and I were ambitious because of where we come from. Both of us are from working-class families on council estates in Newcastle.

The first meaningful friendship moment we had was when Ant sent me a Fred Flintstone Christmas card and it said, 'To Dec from Ant, have a yabba dabba do Christmas.'

When we were 17, I got my first car, a Mini Metro.

Ant was the only person who knew I was going to propose.

I've definitely never said, 'Well, how about that, eh, I'm a national treasure.'

I had my crisis at 30. I was actually really comfortable with 40. Life was in a better place.

I love a sneeze.

Saturday mornings, you've got three hours of live telly and it's really forgiving.

The real big learning curve for us was 'SM:TV.'

I've never massively minded not being cool.

We have got offered some shows in America, but really dopey shows - like reality shows.

Saturday Night Takeaway' is the show we always wanted to make. It's a direct descendant of 'Game For A Laugh' and 'Noel's House Party' and 'Russ Abbot's Madhouse,' and they're all shows we grew up on as kids.

I'm not sure how much Ant and I are insured against each other. I've heard it's a couple of million. However much it is, it would never be compensation for losing your best mate. I've never wanted to work alone since we started together. All the ideas we have are for the pair of us.

It's funny. I don't really think of us as TV presenters. I think of TV presenters as responsible people who show children what to do with empty fairy liquid bottles. Not a couple of blokes who don't mind telling kids to shut up.

We were lucky that when we were making the transition from children's to prime time a lot of other presenters our age shied away from that arena.