We knew we were making records for a certain demographic. We didn't look outside of that.

I was an average student. Not a dunce. Used to play for the school football team.

When you're younger you feel more invincible - that nothing is ever going to get you down or beat you. When you get a bit older, you realise the fragility of things, how easy it is to get caught out by things - and Ant did.

We always said our career was built on our friendship and that our friendship was the secret of our success. The career just happened by accident.

We never want the audience to get bored.

Cool is just something we've never been.

We want to bring the kids, the parents, the grandparents and grandkids together, we want them to have a shared viewing experience. We want the kids to talk about it in the playground, dad to talk about it down the pub, grandma to talk about it while she's out shopping.

I love a bathroom and fluffy bathrobe. Bear Grylls and camping... that's not me!

Not always behind the scenes is it sunny.

I might be a natural show-off but being your best mate's best man is a different kettle of fish.

We treated it as another acting job. Some of these other bands had been put together, and it was their dream come true to be in a band, and that wasn't really the case for us. It was the next part of what we were doing.

I think obviously there is some kind of life form somewhere else. Whether it looks like the creature in 'Alien Autopsy,' I'm not sure.

We saw the band as an acting job - it was an extension of 'Byker Grove.' We were even still called PJ and Duncan.

We were pushing the boundaries a bit of Saturday morning telly and trying new things.

Ant and Dec seemed a natural name for us - it was just how people referred to us, cos we were always together. I've never resented the fact that his name comes first.

When people are so nice about you, you get emotional and cry. But we never take it for granted.

Ours is a career built on a friendship, not a friendship built on a career.

When we were first doing kids' shows with the BBC they asked us where we wanted to be in a few years' time and we said we want to be where Noel Edmonds is.

My dad was born in Desertmartin at the foot of Slieve Gallion.

I think working as part of a brotherhood shows you can achieve personal satisfaction in a team.

I think you learn every day. You can't buy experiences; all these experiences shape you.

I grew up being called Eamonn-Martin-Dermott-Declan because I was the youngest of the boys and Mum would go through all their names first before she got to mine.

I'm not sure I'm confident in the viewing public seeing every side of me and I'm not sure I'm confident enough that I'd allow myself to be that exposed.

It's a big thing, our relationship with ITV.