I've never really thought about settling down anywhere. I like to keep moving.

I think that what drives most of us as human beings is the want for something. You might have a hope, or a big dream, or a goal that you haven't yet achieved.

I went to a drama club when I was little, but it was more of an excuse to flirt with girls than anything else. We never put on plays.

Growing up in England, you're sort of spoiled, in a way. You sort of take it for granted that within a half-hour's drive, you could be walking around a stately home from the 1700s. It's not very hard to do - in California, you've got to take a flight!

I've been a big blagger all my life.

Everybody has many people inside of them. I think we tend to present the one we feel is most appropriate at first in order to gain acceptance or achieve what we want.

Becoming that guy who does one thing is not very interesting. I'm lucky and proud to have been involved in period films and action films.

I'll tell you, there's no goodies and baddies in the world, there's just people with intentions that sometimes clash.

I was asked by this British band called Kairos 4Tet to write lyrics for them. And I wrote lyrics for them. The album is called 'Everything We Hold,' and you can hear my lyrics.

The Blue Ridge Mountains are an incredible place.

I find the English flag - the cross - quite frightening; it has very bad symbolism for me. Not just football hooligans but supremacists and the BNP.

All I would say is that when I've been very down or having kind of a tough time in my life, certain films or pieces of music or books have changed that. They've taken me out of a dark place and put me into a more positive one. And I think that if we can do that for people, then it's certainly worth doing.

There are some great actors I don't want to meet because I don't want to know how they did it. I don't want to know anything about their personal life, and the illusion, or whatever it is, the shape-shiftery magic stuff that they do, which is my joy.

The one thing I couldn't imagine is stopping still.

When I come home, all I do is cook. I love cooking, so I go to markets, buy food, cook it for friends. I love doing that.

I think saying you're bad at something is rather wonderful because then it doesn't matter anymore.

What theatre people love about theatre - and I totally understand it, I just don't share it - is that they feel they mint something afresh every night. Because I would rather do something until I've done it and then know it's done. New day, next thing!

Sport is not my thing.

I'm a bit of a technophobe.

I'm studying Krav Maga, which is an Israeli form of self defense. It's very deadly and without rules.

One of the things I noticed in my career that gave me a lot of happiness early on was realising we don't have any control.

Edinburgh is so cultural and such a beautiful place to walk around.

I never want to overstay my welcome for any character. I would rather people are excited by the ideas a character generates in them rather than feeling bored and wishing he would just go away.

I'm a big fan of imagination. I think it's the strongest tool we have, and there are some things that you just can't practice.