I would say that being open to new things is kind of vital in this line of work, if not all lines of work, and being prepared to embrace the challenge of the new thing is something I want in my life until the day it's over.

I was quite solitary for 'Hitman.' I was quite apart. He struck me as a very sad individual. There was a mournful quality there.

Even if it's a bit blunt, I really appreciate somebody being straight with you.

The old saying, 'An army marches on its stomach' has never been more true than in film and television. If it's good, cheerful, and exciting and full of great yummy things, then everyone does really well. If it's the opposite, it's very disappointing.

My great grandparents are Scottish, and I have this very tenuous connection which I try and bump up whenever I can, because I'd much rather be Scottish than English.

I believe that if you can discover something of the truth of a person, then you will start to understand, and to understand is to move towards, if not like, then at least an empathy of some kind.

I'm always interested in what we're not being shown. So if you're playing ostensibly a quote-unquote 'baddie,' what are their good sides, and vice versa.

Everybody has many people inside of them; I think we tend to present the one we feel is most appropriate at first, in order to gain acceptance or achieve what we want. It gets really interesting when this technique fails, and other levels are revealed.

Seeing, say, 'My Left Foot,' and 'The Last of the Mohicans.' How is that the same person? Or people like Johnny Depp, who can play Jack Sparrow and Edward Scissorhands. I am so interested in the transformation, in not knowing anything about them and watching somebody create a character. I'm not really interested in personalities.

I'm not a big fan of people telling each other what to do, I'll say that.

I don't love plays. I don't love doing the same thing, every night, for 100 nights in a row.

I am a very sporadic watcher of television. I don't watch a lot of it.

I've never got a part in the same way twice. I've never prepared the same way. I've never experienced the filming the process the same way.

I find it easier to approach things from a critical angle that otherwise may seem daunting because I'm used to being scared.

Han Solo is more interesting than Superman because he's flawed. Superman's flaw is kryptonite, and that's it. He can make time go backwards, for God's sake, but with Han Solo or Indiana Jones, there's a bit of humanity there.

One of my uncles took me to my first movie in a cinema - 'Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.'

We have characters in Western television shows who are in full health with shiny hair and shiny teeth, and they go about their lives having minor problems.

My grandfather, who is English, was a member of a gentleman's club called the Caledonian, which you can only be a member of if you have Scottish lineage.

It's an imaginative thing we do; it's about immersing oneself in one's imagination. If you're a novelist, you do it with pen and paper. We do it with our bodies.

I'm a dual citizen in a way. I live in the States and have a green card, so my connection to British politics is almost nonexistent.

My father started his own business, and before that was a freelance lecturer, and my friends are artists and musicians; they don't have real jobs - none of us have real jobs.

Wood is weirdly a big passion of mine. I really love it, all the way from trees to a finished table. The fact that it was alive and that each piece is different.

It might look like some incredibly complicated map to get from English period films to American action anti-heroes, but it really is just about not having a plan.

Eating cold tuna fish out of a tin on a porch while two people are in love across a lake - I think that's desperately lonely.