I've never been to war, and I would never presume to fully understand the horrors that that kind of experience can impart.

I really enjoy the fact that the very boring, normal person that I am isn't kind of interesting to anyone. It's fine by me.

I don't do glamorous things.

I've never got on with recipes. Free yourself - throw them out!

I have to be absolutely drawn to the project. If you're ashamed or bored by it at the beginning, it's going to be a pretty nightmarish thing.

I love learning things, whether it's a language or Philippine knife-fighting or the Viennese waltz.

I find dipping one's toe into all of these people's lives is one of the major exciting points of being an actor. This dilettantism.

I got the 'I don't want the normal job' bug. At home, we have countless career advisors who would tell us to work in department stores and stay below the bar and not overreach our grasp. I didn't believe any of them.

'We' is a difficult word for me. I don't know if I feel 'we' about anything.

I guess the reason I wanted to be an actor was that it felt like it would offer something different all the time.

Some are in it for the money, which is fine. Some of them are in it to be a movie star; that's another reason. Some actors - and this I never understand - will only play likeable characters. And if they're not likeable, they change them to be heroic.

The most contemporary film I can think of is your standard romantic comedy, but the minute you make them, they already look so aged.

If I make a film about now, the minute it was done, it wouldn't be about now; it'd be about then.

It's all very brilliant to build bridges and buildings, but long after we're gone, it will be the natural things in this world which will still be here.

Intrigue is so much more effective. I don't like to be over-prescriptive of an audience. The same with a book or with art - people shouldn't read too much before they explore.

I believe in allowing an audience the opportunity to make up their own mind.

I wasn't interested in football. It made me different. I wore glasses, had bad hair, a funny name, you name it.

I was bullied a lot... doing anything overly well was punished by the kids.

I find it quite unsettling if I'm doing the same thing that I did yesterday.

That routine thing is not comforting to me. It's the opposite to that.

I get bored quickly. Always have. Short attention span.

If you are going to have any chance of replicating life, you need to live it.

I've never thought it was a good idea to act back-to-back.

This industry is too bonkers to understand. Every single part is completely different.