I don't do facials or any of that stuff, but my workout regime does tend to depend on whether I have to take my top off in my next film because otherwise I know I'm too heavy.

You see these actresses who have had Botox or something else done, and it takes you out of the film.

I've had some great times with actresses, but that's in a movie.

The worst piece of advice I've gotten in my whole career is from somebody who said, 'Remember, it's all about likeability.'

There's not a big gun culture in England at all still.

When there's an idiot driving crazily in front of you, that can wind the best of you up.

I go off and make movies; I come home, and I'm a dad and I hang with my girls.

You're always dealing with emotions as an actor.

For me really good acting is about subtext.

I just love playing good guys.

I'm just a working actor.

The idea of goodies and baddies has always fascinated me, and what people consider to be a goodie or a baddie, because I've never seen any of my characters as baddies.

I always want my options to be open.

I'm sort of one of those weird actors who whenever I do a play, I think, 'Oh, we should film this,' as opposed to have to belt it out of ourselves in a theater auditorium.

It's just lovely to be involved in a movie that does go back to the basics - characters and great writing.

After writing a page, Hemingway would let it float to the ground. He never crumpled pages - he believed that if you crumpled them, you'd be insane in a year.

After drama school I did a seven-month tour of Europe performing in 'Romeo and Juliet.' I played Romeo.

I really believe you can carry yourself in such a way that people don't notice you.

I always used to say to myself, I'm going to die of lung cancer. That's the choice I'm making.

A huge part of acting in movies is appetite. You do your best work when you've got a lot of appetite and you really want to embrace something. When you get tired, you don't have that hunger.

I'm interested in playing all kinds of parts.

I'd like to do a film which is funny.

I've got actor friends who didn't get breaks, who struggle and worry about things that I'm fortunate not to have to worry about.

I do get clocked. But it's not invasive to the point where it's upsetting. It doesn't encroach.