Ultimately, to have a career in movies, to a certain extent, certainly in England, you can't sustain a career in just English movies.

Audiences can be very judgmental.

If you are making a script based on a book it can be frustrating going back to the source novel, because you're turning the story into a totally different thing; the narrative of film is different from that of a book.

I don't like it when people are trying too hard. That goes for clothes, for acting, for everything. It's just not good when it seems like you're making too much of an effort.

I have a problem with a lot of men's fragrances because they are very strong. Somebody somewhere thinks that masculine means powerful smells, and I find them overbearing and not very pleasant.

I certainly don't think of myself as an action hero.

I don't think I've ever had a real fashion disaster.

Jewelery isn't really my thing, but I've always got my eye on people's watches.

I guess I'm not that metrosexual. My bathroom cabinet is hardly overflowing with products. I only really have my stuff for shaving. I can't honestly say I moisturise, though I probably should.

As a teenager I was crazy about David Bowie. He was a huge inspiration for me. I dressed a little bit crazily in school and dyed my hair every colour under the sun.

I was at the birth of my two girls.

I never wanted to be a movie star.

For some people, an event happens and they are thrown into a tabloid feeding ground.

My wife needs her freedom just like me.

I couldn't bear a marriage in which one partner hinges on the other.

I think there is a lot of overexplaining both in writing and acting. People don't need to be hit on the head.

I think it's dangerous to get into ideas of planning careers.

I do wear suits all the time.

I've been very fortunate with the scripts I've had and the people I worked with.

For me, London is and always will be home.

As I get older, I've been having a better and better time.

I never really look at life and worry about missed opportunities.

I'd love to do a Western.

I can honestly say I've never chosen a film because where it's shot is convenient.