I've done a number of things based on real people or true stories or based on books, and I'm a great believer that you have to be true to the script.

I can't remember ever being involved in a fight in a movie where I haven't done most of it.

I do a lot better if I sit around and think about a character for a couple of months.

Outside of being home with my family, I prefer a crowd.

I had to ride a horse once. In 'King Arthur.' I said I could ride, but I had to call for lessons on the day the deal was signed. I started out on this little chunky thing and slowly moved up. It was months of work.

I feel for those 19-year-olds who get thrust into the limelight that young.

Action scenes are not that different from other scenes.

There's something to play if there's conflict going on. Whatever that conflict is, that's where drama is; if the character is grappling with something you've got something to play, there's layers to it.

When you are shooting action, there is a satisfying thing because your objectives are very clear.

I am comfortable around babies and children because I have two of my own.

I live in London and I love living in a gun free environment and long may it continue.

I actually really love working with young actors because they're so responsive and instinctive, and it's a much less honed craft that they're employing.

I'm not a great one for classic horror or cheap thrills.

I'm a huge fan of 'The Exorcist.'

I was not a very fearful kid, really.

I think that Phil Kaufman is one of the best directors that I have come across.

I don't play video games.

I dread karaoke. I hate karaoke. I can't sing - that is why.

I think anybody who bets on horses and says they win is probably a liar.

Parenthood and family come first for me, and when I'm not working I'm cool with the Teletubbies.

One of the things I'm most proud of about my career is the fact I've managed to keep options open.

I'm not the kind of actor who goes into exhaustive research for each role.

I just like to keep challenging myself, keep it varied. It's a craft, and I'm constantly trying to learn and get better at it.

Obviously, I'm attracted to heavier movies.