I'd love to shoot something in Toronto; I'd love to bring something to Canada. I'm dying to shoot something in Vancouver where I'm from.

I have a very flexible and easy schedule that affords me a wonderful lifestyle in Los Angeles. I'm able to be a very present mother, able to pursue other projects.

I had a daily 30 minute pushup routine. Then I boxed 3 times a week for about an hour. And then, I had the trainer come to my house an average of 1 to 2 times a week.

I keep fooling people into giving me jobs, and now I'm on Broadway. It's always something I've wanted to be a part of, and I can't believe that this is the experience I'm having.

One of the major complaints for long-running shows is that they become mundane.

I'm coming to that realization that I'm going to be seen as a mom to someone, and it makes you think about your own parents. You know, who were they?

I like to challenge myself and grow as an actress.

I saw 'Starbuck' before I ever knew I would be involved in 'Delivery Man,' but I liked it, and then a couple of months went by, and I really knew I wanted to audition for it when it became available.

People always let me know when their team beats the Canucks.

I would love to do another 'Jack Reacher' movie.

I was on a strict diet to stay in shape for 'Jack Reacher,' but each day on set in New Orleans, catering dropped off delicious food at my trailer.

Anytime anybody jumps out at me, I scream.

I don't think I'll ever feel like I'm cancer-free.

I had tumors on both ovaries, and the cancer had spread into my lymph nodes and surrounding tissues.

I went to a cleansing retreat in the desert where I didn't eat for eight days and experienced hunger-driven hallucinations.

I'm pretty money savvy. My dad made me read 'Rich Dad Poor Dad' when I was 12 - this investing book about how to manage your money and be smart. So I'm kind of like a grandmother.

I love having my husband at home. Especially when I have to leave the country so he can take care of our children.

I had to get healthy for a period in my life, so I learned a lot about food and diet.

I didn't really discover 'Risky Business' until later in life because I was so young when it came out.

Who isn't a fan of Tom Cruise? He has been in so many amazing movies.

I really like the character of Jack Reacher - I thought he was interesting.

I live a life where I have a huge support system, and I've been very lucky.

There's sacrifice involved. Either you're going to work a lot and not get to spend time with your kid, or you're going to spend a ton of time with your kid, and you're sacrificing your career.

The problem is my movie career is hindering my hockey schedule.