My sister Kathleen - one year older - was the school's acting legend. Her thing was getting all the parts, even Tiresias. And I wasn't going to mess with that.

I don't like the NFL, where I think it's a problem: some guy scores a touchdown, now he's got some kind of dance that he planned. To me, I just want to change the channel.

With the Red Sox, you have more of a literary interest in it. You know they're going to lose; you're just interested in how the plot is going to unfold.

The actors in 'Eight Men Out' really know how to play, and the background athletes are all professionals.

What I've learned is sometimes it's good not to have all the same actions and have all the same takes. The variety you provide gives the director later on in post-production the ability to construct a more interesting performance as he puts the movie together.

There's no doubt my having been a ballplayer made me feel a special sense of responsibility to Joe Jackson's life.

I try to keep a low profile.

I believe in luck. My luck's real streaky.

I thought it's very funny that I ended up as a voiceover guy because when I started out as an actor, I had a very strong Long Island accent.

I'm so proud and honored to have been in 'Lonesome Dove' and 'Eight Men Out.' How come I'm not known for one of those?

There's nobility in hard work, traditional values.

You have to identify your shot and be 'Push your luck' ready for it.

I've been doing this for 33 years, and sometimes you make movies and nobody cares. But when people care, it's the greatest thing in the world - even when it's passionately against the title - because it's going to start a conversation.

Push your luck. If you see a pretty girl in a bar, say something.

When you're doing a movie, it's finite - you have a trajectory of where your character's going, and you follow that. Then the storybook closes.

The great thing about being on a series for nine years is you get to see the characters grow and change.

The Marvel world is a pure joy to be a part of.

I felt very patriotic playing a New York City cop.

Self-defence helps with your confidence, and if you ever find yourself in that type of situation, you are more physically capable.

I played football for 12 years, but I would always trick myself into exercise, like by taking a dance class.

We have very strict rules about TV and film in my house.

'The L-Word' was such a great show because of the amazing writing and characters, but maybe because it was such a new concept, people couldn't pick up on it, but I think it was down to the dynamic characters and how well done it was.

I think everybody feels their pregnancy differently, and for me, I was so in work mode.

Joss Whedon is the best man on the planet.