I was taking hitting clinics every chance I got. I really worked on it. It was just fun to be given that invitation from the director to make the baseball as good as we can.

I'm a huge baseball fan and follow it very closely.

DeNiro did a good job playing a catcher in 'Bang the Drum Slowly,' but he's great in everything he does.

A producer wouldn't think of making a film about ballet dancers without using real dancers, but they will cast actors who have never held a bat in baseball films.

Joe Jackson was a tragic figure. He was a serene country boy who signed a confession he couldn't read. He was illiterate.

All these big corporations like Amazon, those places have great distribution arms, but they can't create content.

Why should a filmmaker turn over the irreplaceable asset, the movie, to a distribution center?

Who needs MGM? Who needs any of these places?

I'm a sucker for doing something fun. If somebody wants to pay me to learn how to fly a plane or be a better golfer, that certainly would be a plus - or if it's filming in Tahiti.

I'm not one of these million-dollar actors. I have always been just a working actor. I probably work more than I would like to.

I have never been one of those actors who say, 'Oh, my character wouldn't do this,' or 'My character never wears an orange shirt,' or any of the number of inane things I've heard on movie sets throughout my career.

'It's a Wonderful Life' was a mainstream Hollywood movie about faith, redemption, religion, and it was rated G.

The great thing for me about 'The Resurrection of Gavin Stone' is it's a throwback to the old fashioned Hollywood movie that you can watch with your family, has a message, and is funny and entertaining. They didn't call them faith-based movies; they just called them good movies.

If you learn the craft, you can make a movie and get by with tricks.

More is asked of you on stage. It's no way to make a living. But it's like a bullfight. You find out who can do it and who can't.

I had cooked a lot in restaurants, in Rocky Point and on golf courses on Long Island, and my mother said, 'Be a chef,' and my dad said, 'Be a lawyer.' But instead, I auditioned for N.Y.U.'s Tisch School of the Arts.

I'm sure that President Trump will do plenty of things that people don't like, plenty of things people do like, and the people who don't like it, at that point, certainly take advantage of your rights and protest it - and try to seek change or do whatever you want.

When I played sports, if you lose the game, and then you complain, that makes you a sore loser. That doesn't make you protester - that just makes you a whiner.

Whether or not your person wins or loses, give him a chance.

I don't know; it's hard for me to understand people that want to get out there and protest on the first day we elect a new guy.

Say something personal, not from a publicist.

It took me a long time to realize you don't choose what you're famous for.

I don't play the bass. I'm not in a band. I tried to think of ways I could touch base with the troops and support what we're doing.

I grew up Catholic, so the more non-denominational Christian experience was a new experience for me.