Any time I get to work a home game, it's awesome.

To anybody who says to me, 'I'm in character,' I say, 'You should be in an asylum.' If you don't know that you're pretending, then you should really seek medical help. I don't have patience for that stuff.

I got typecast early in my career as the guy who is very intense. Once you get into a certain mold, people see you that way, as much as it's disproved time and again.

I had a teacher senior year in high school. He was a theater teacher, and he basically was a little bit like 'High School Musical.' He kind of encouraged the jocks to get involved with the plays. I did it as kind of a senior year lark.

I didn't know anybody in show business, and I never thought it was the path I'd go down. I was hoping it was sports, like so many kids.

Hire the best people, and trust what you hired them to do.

I like hanging around the set and learning how people do things, how the set runs.

If I'm not going to bet on myself, why would anyone else bet on me.

I love Vanna White as much as the next guy.

The problem with most Hollywood movies is they don't give the director enough control.

Skating is tough to pick up when you are a grown up.

What really makes it fun for an actor is when the script is good.

It's especially gratifying to have done a film like 'Eight Men Out' because it's hard not to have fun when there are so many bats and balls around.

If I go to a baseball game, I hear 'Shoeless Joe,' but otherwise, I hear 'toe pick' five times a day. No matter how many more movies I make, that'll be on my gravestone.

Romantic comedies are particularly hard to make.

If you skate with an Olympic level skater, they make you so much better because you're skating behind them, and you're trying to imitate their stride and their stance. It's like having the world's greatest training wheels.

I really like the way Fox handles their shows.

You always love to fantasize you'll get your dream role.

When you do a play, or even a movie, you have weeks to finesse your character. You really understand why they do what they do. In TV, you get new material weekly about your character.

I think you have to do certain things in the pilot to get your network's attention - to break through... So maybe you push a little further in the first show.

I've seen people who stink, but the film editor shows them just where they didn't stink. But if you're empty and manipulative on stage, it's clear.

I didn't want people to think I'm just in the movies, where you make money and wait around for 13 hours before you get to do 20 minutes of work.

As far as actors go, you're not going to find many ballplayers better than me.

You get a lot of speeding tickets, and you say, 'I'm so unlucky!' No, you're not. You're speeding. Slow down.