I always think the true test of free speech is when someone says something you don't like.

One day we were sitting in our little classroom in the middle of Australia Zoo, and Dad bursts in and says, 'OK, today we're going to go climb a mountain,' - the Glass House Mountains are about 20 minutes away - so we packed up all our math work and ran out the door and climbed Mount Tibrogargan.

Everything I do in my life I do to make my mum and dad proud. I want to carry on in my dad's footsteps and make sure that his legacy lives on forever.

I want my children and my grandchildren to live in a world with clean air, pure drinking water, and an abundance of wildlife, so I've chosen to dedicate my life to wildlife conservation so I can make the world just a little bit better.

I see my filming career as an opportunity to get the message of conservation out to an even greater audience.

Acting is something I'm extremely passionate about.

Thrilled to be part of this new project Generation Nature and just encouraging kids to change the world.

I'm thrilled to be partnered up with SeaWorld.

To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don't need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.

I have the best daddy in the whole world, and I will miss him every day. When I see a crocodile, I will always think of him, and I know that Daddy made this zoo so everyone could come and learn to love all the animals.

I'm driving my dad's old ute. So it's a manual ute. It's massive, so when people see me coming, they just kind of run away!

Actually, I have this random fear, and it's of bees and wasps. Bees and wasps actually scare me just a little bit. I'd rather have a snake or a crocodile, yes... I appreciate them, and I love them, but I have a slight fear.

Working with crocodiles is always amazing because they're beautiful. They're modern day dinosaurs, which is really cool.

I am trying different styles, and while you can't climb a tree or jump on a crocodile in a dress, it is nice to get dressed up every now and then and kind of walk away from the khaki for a moment.

I think my blood is actually khaki. The khaki is a part of me. It's in my heart.

Give me a 15-ft. crocodile any day over a bee.

When I was about 2 years old, I found a bee that had been stepped on on the foot path, and so I picked it up to rescue it, and it stung me on the hand. From that day forward, I've been terrified of bees.

I have the most beautiful souls in my life supporting me and helping me to follow my dreams. I love them more than I can ever express in words.

So many people have touched my heart and made an impact on my world. I'm thankful for every lesson and learning experience.

After losing Dad, there was the idea that none of us have forever. It really affects you. It makes you want to live each day as if it's your last.

A lot of people don't know that Dad was quite a scientist, and he was so clever.

We live in a zoo, and we get to share all our animals with the people who come in. We really put our animals first, and then the staff, and then the visitors. The animals aren't pacing; they're all happy. When you touch an animal, it ultimately touches you.

I was so used to documentary filming, where it's one take. You can't really say, 'Make that elephant charge again!' And you talk to the camera. With movie filming, you're talking to someone else.

If you said 'Boo' to me, I wouldn't sleep for two weeks! I don't like scary movies.