It's so easy for 16-year-olds, including myself, to say, 'I just wish I were an adult.' But we can't wish our lives away. When we're adults, we'll say, 'I wish I were 16 again.'

I want to encourage other young girls not to grow up too soon. Just enjoy the now.

There can be a lot of pressure on girls to dress the way they wouldn't normally dress: on social media, at school, among friends.

I try so hard to be true to myself. I hope I can help other girls realize that they don't have to do things just because everyone else is doing them.

I kind of think of my life as this incredible hurricane of so many adventures. We can all make a difference, and we can all be courageous and believe in ourselves.

Dad was that one person who, no matter what he did in life, he just took it by storm, and he was so passionate and just really lived in the moment. Whatever the opposite of a procrastinator is, that was him... and I think I kind of inherited a little bit of that.

My best friend was a magpie goose, and my magpie goose would follow me around, and we'd dance in the zoo together. Then I'd be covered in mud!

Living in a zoo means it wasn't always sparkly dresses, but I would still dress up. I had this pink sparkly dress and fairy wings, and I'd put those on and then go and dance in the zoo.

What shaped me the most would probably be when my dad passed away. For the rest of my life, I'll kind of feel like he's gonna come home.

I like cups of tea and reading books and poetry and old people things.

I guess, growing up at Australia Zoo and getting to travel all over the world, I have this great outlook on life, and that's what I hope I inspire other kids to have.

The way I choose to dress, I want to influence other people around me, I suppose.

I'm a big advocate for young girls dressing their age.

I am used to wrangling crocodiles.

I'm trying to carry on my dad's legacy, and it is tough.

I think that people always say when people pass away that time heals all wounds. And that's probably the biggest lie. It's not true. I think we all need to remember that it is always still tough, and it's like losing a piece of your heart.

Dad is and always will be my living, breathing superhero.

Mom and Dad are truly my heroes. And I have to say, so is my little brother Robert. He's 11, and he's just the most amazing boy. He's so much like Dad sometimes, it's a bit scary.

I have never joined the Facebook world because, to be truthful, social media scares me to death. It is kind of crazy how huge that world is, so I have never joined Facebook, but I do have Instagram and Twitter.

I want to carry on in my dad's footsteps and make sure his message lives on forever. I feel like that's why I've been put on this planet - to get my message across.

My favourite thing in the world is going out to get Chinese food, then coming home and renting a movie.

It's human nature that if you get 20 positive comments and one negative one, you're going to focus on the negative. We all do that. It can be something that drags you down. It's easy to get bogged down with it, but I try to concentrate on the good things.

You can't jump on a croc or climb a tree if you're not in khaki, but I do like different clothes and playing around with it a bit.

Tea makes everything better.