In real life, I am trying to save the Steve Irwin wildlife preserve. It's in Australia, up on Cape York, and it's in danger of being strip-mined.

I've been banking my holidays, which means I take time off later in the year. It makes it a lot easier to fit filming in; it can be quite challenging to study and film at the same time.

My dad dedicated his life to getting across the wildlife message, and I love that I can carry on his legacy. I want to make sure his message never dies.

I get a bit depressed if I walk into a restaurant and see shark-fin soup on the menu.

I don't want to see crocs end up as boots, bags and belts. We're killing and consuming our wildlife icons.

We try to surround ourselves with love and light. You have to be there for each other. As a family, we are trying to make sure everything Dad worked so hard for carries on into the future.

I love hiking, paddle boarding and listening to the Veronicas.

In the morning, my alarm clock is a chorus of lemurs yelling!

My neighbors are crocodiles and tigers and giraffes.

If you treat animals how you want to be treated, you're a lot better off.

With Dad, he was the ultimate wildlife warrior, and we admired him more than anything.

We literally live right in the middle of the zoo, and it means that every day is a new experience and so much fun.

I have spent my entire life living in a zoo, which is pretty crazy. Not many kids get to say that, and it took me until I was about three years old to realize that we didn't just come to the zoo every day, that we actually lived here.

I'm so excited to be carrying on in Dad's footsteps and making sure that everything he worked so hard for continues for the generations to come.

I live in a town called Beerwah, right in the middle of Australia Zoo. It's not hustle and bustle and busy, so that's helpful. We travel all over the world, but I've always been able to come home and run around in the middle of the Australian outback.

It's so easy to be there when it's all sunshine, but it really takes strength and courage to be there for each other during the dark times.

I know I can count on my mum and brother to be there for me through good and bad times.

As I'm getting older, I'm really learning unconditional love and loyalty are extremely important.

Every day is a new journey for me, and I feel like, in my lifetime, I've been blessed to experience such a lot.

When you lose a loved one, you come to these crossroads. You can take the path that leads you down the aisle of sadness, or you can say, 'I'm never going to let this person's memory die. I'm going to make sure everything they worked for continues.'

I think seizing the opportunity and making the most of your time is very important, and loving life.

I get to be a teenager like every other teenager, but I have a passion and a great goal in life.

I'd just like to carry on in Dad's footsteps. I think that Dad's spirit and passion lives in every single one of us.

I'm very lucky to have such a beautiful family.