I had a pretty good career at home. What keeps you going is not having a plan B. It's a very good thing. I think if I had a viable plan B, I might not have kept going.

'Animal Kingdom' is a lot of things, but it's not heartwarming.

I got the first job and kept going. Once I got a job, I very much wanted to keep getting jobs, basically. I did try to learn what I could in those first couple of decades.

I don't have memorabilia but try to take a bit of wardrobe, usually because they dress me better than I dress myself.

'Star Wars' is populated by so many great types; who wouldn't want to be a Han Solo kind of dude?

I was with my grandmother, while one of my brothers lived with my dad, and one lived with my mom. It wasn't a great situation. Acting was the one good thing I was involved in.

I don't know that it exists, the perfect family. It's always complicated.

Fifteen years old, out in the world, acting was all I had.

The very rough story is this: Melbourne boy, out of both my parents' houses at a young age, lived with my grandmother, drama teacher twisted me into doing this TV thing that I thought my mates were doing, too.

I'm very cagey by nature.

The thing about acting is you have to wait to be asked to the dance.

The people that impress me are Bob Dylan. The ones who keep working, year in and year out, and keep coming up with stuff.

I don't believe in the transformation myth, where if you have more success, life changes for you.

I think I've benefited from not being hugely known. It means I have to do something really effective to be noticed.

It would be excellent to do a 'Star Wars.'

It's a tougher gig than what people think it is. The proper, real, genuine, worldwide movie stars don't get a lot of downtime from the world outside. That's a tougher price, I think, than what people's fantasy of fame account for.

The thing about home is that it's a tough place to sustain a career, just by dent of the size of the place. I had about as good a run there as anybody, but it's still a tough ask. I mean, the person I think with the best career in Australia is Ray Meagher, in 'Home and Away.'

It's got a lot more room for nuance and an assumption that people have started from the beginning. 'Bloodline' ends up being like a really good novel.

Before 'Animal Kingdom,' I wasn't particularly thought of in villainous roles.

Once upon a time, they thought I was a sweet, wide-eyed boy that was just trying to figure out how to kiss the girl. Lots of comic relief and adolescent yearnings.

In a very real sense, all you do when you're shooting film or television is you shoot a scene, and then you shoot another scene, and then you shoot another scene.

I never felt like someone who was boyish and coming to terms with asking girls out or anything like that, which was what 'The Big Steal' and 'Spotswood' were about. But I guess that's the impression I left on people.

I remember 'The Yearling' was the first film I ever saw, and my mom told me I cried for about four or five days afterwards. I'd be going along during the day and suddenly start crying over what had happened to the little deer.

I basically sat around unemployed in Sydney for three years straight, and the two things that saved me were the rugby league and my dog.