Being an actor in TV or movies is different. A film or TV actor, if put in theatre, won't know certain dimensions, while a theatre actor won't know certain things when he comes before the camera. So I think a film actor can learn emoting from this theatre counterpart, while the theatre actor can learn about camera techniques from the film actor.

If everybody had 100% record of hits and flops, there would have been no surprises. There's not one director with 100% success rate.

I think there is a larger responsibility towards actors to make television what it should be in India. I would love to take on the challenge. Had it been for me, I would focus on good content.

I don't read online... I need a physical book in my hand.

I am not a party kind of a person. I like to sit down with friends with a drink and talk.

What I have noticed is that no two places in Calcutta are alike. I like the bylanes and the old places. This city has a lot of character.

What I like about Calcutta is the food. I like simple Bengali food like dal, shukto, fish, and mutton.

In life, I have been a very lucky person; I have had a good married life, good friends, though I am not as educated as I would have liked to be.

Not comfortable doing song and dance stuff as no normal person does in his/her real life.

For me, it is important to pick up characters which I can relate to. Or I recall an incident in my life or tap into my innermost emotions and try to bring that reality on to the screen.

I love playing intense characters.

I like to keep my birthday very relaxed.

Everyone wants to relive their life once again, but if I had the chance, I would do it in the exact same fashion.

I spent my childhood in Delhi. I have met my wife here. I spent my life here with my parents and sister. It's been beautiful. But I have very fond memories.

Fans love the image that they see on-screen. They simply admire you for whatever they see on TV shows without even knowing you as a person. That's such a pure thing. I'm thankful for the love they have showered on me.

I am very bad at taking compliments. Even in school, when people told me that I look good, I could just manage an awkward thank you and a smile.

I am a freelance artiste.

My career choices aren't based on the popularity of my character; I have never intended to capitalise on my fan base.

I am not on social media, as I don't feel the need to communicate with the outside world. People who matter to me are just a call away.

I wouldn't call myself a recluse, but I am quiet and reserved.

I always wanted to learn how to play the guitar.

My mom was practically in the vice principal's office all the time! Now I really feel sorry that my mom had to go through such embarrassment, but I was never a harmful person.

I was very, very naughty in school.

I never went to college. I started working when I was 17.