I've spent various periods of my career being thought of as various things, various degrees of substance and ideas.

One of the things that I found very confronting in my early working life was that people thought I was some sensitive doe-eyed lovelorn boy, because they'd seen me do that a couple of times. What tends to happen is you get a run of similar roles.

The people I've encountered who are really dangerous in my life don't go around with their fangs drawn - they are dangerous because of the way they interpret what's going on.

Acting is a bit of a heart and soul exercise with me. It's kind of all I've got.

At 15 I had moved out of my parents' place, and my options were looking pretty narrow. But I had this acting thing and I just wanted to be able to keep going because it was really good. That was all I wanted.

I think there's a lot of mythos about what's required in acting. The way that actors talk about acting is generally quite punishing, and I think actors want to put forward the idea that they do all of this work because, you know, it's a post-De Niro world, when, largely, in fact, it's almost never true.

As an outsider in America, you do see the kind of hypocrisy that's rampant there.

There's very little different between the way the government operates in America and the way criminals do.

I think now there's much more of a confessional culture. That's not my bag. I come from a slightly older school of thought: 'give 'em nothin.' You don't plead guilty.

I mean, there's a sense wherein you skip a part of childhood, too, when you start working at that age I did; I was out working and out of home at 15, paying my own way in the world.

You can certainly extend your adolescence. There's people that are very good at extending it indefinitely.

If I am offered a biopic on a person people know almost everything about, what is the point doing it? A film on someone about whom very less is known is something that would interest me.

People make a star out of actors after one or two films and keep capitalising on the same thing without having the courage of exploring the world of cinema, which has so much to offer.

There was a time when one couldn't dream of being an actor if they weren't well-connected or they weren't a star kid.

My work should speak, not being spotted on Page 3.

I always feel to do mythological and horror shows you need to be terrific actors. I am not that good.

When I quit 'Iss Pyaar Ko Kyaa Naam Doon 1,' I left the show because I wanted to travel with my wife and spend time with her.

I believe social media gives away a lot to people. I got this impression long time back when my friend was on Twitter, and he got trolled because he posted his opinion about something. He was very upset about it, as he didn't expect that people will reply in such a nasty way.

I am worst when it comes to social media.

I was watching 'Heroine,' and I really liked Kareena Kapoor a lot!

I really liked Priyanka Chopra in 'Barfi!'

An actor has to act irrespective of the camera or location.

Whenever I don't have anything to do, I play Candy Crush or Scrabble. We actors have time between shots, which we need to kill. And we cannot call friends or family, as you are called at a moment's notice. So you need to do something which you can dispose of immediately when called for a shot.

When you have rubbish stuff coming your way, you have to let go.