Even when I meet people, they start talking to me in Telugu, even though I'm a Kannadiga. But my character in Hello Guru Prema Kosame' will change that image of mine. You'll see me as an urban city girl in glamorous clothes.

I'm not very comfortable with skin show.

There's not enough awareness about healthcare and people don't realize the importance of getting a timely health check-up until it is too late.

I was taking a connecting flight from Vijayawada to Hyderabad and Kajol was on the same flight. We were waiting for the lift and when I got in, the doors began closing. Kajol and her manager were all set to get in, but by then, the lift began moving up. I was so embarrassed that when I met her later, I apologized for the goof up.

I shopped at Harrods and Louis Vuitton, as they were top on my priority list. And that's when a friendly shopkeeper told me that I could get mugged as my luxury bags were screaming for attention. And he gave me garbage bags to cover them. So here I was walking around in London with garbage bags in my hand.

I make sure that I spend some time every night with my children and it's great to hear them say, 'Mom you are my best friend!' Only a child can make you feel that special.

I understand that for an average working mother it is difficult to take out lots of time for their child. But make sure that when you are with them, you cuddle them and listen when they share their day to day activities.

Television is all about deadlines.

When you are lonely, you get desperate to find a companion. My advice is instead of seeking Mr Right, use the time to hone your talents or workout at a gym. You may just meet someone special along the way.

Life is not about going from man to man.

I was never in an acting school. But I learned everything on the job like memorising lines, all the technicalities of theatre, how to use your voice and eyes and more.

If your work is really successful, it should attract the audience to you beyond just the premier.

Success is very enjoyable in any field. But for me, success is not in terms of financial gains.

As an actress, it is so easy to spread happiness with just a smile. That is a gift I will always cherish.

My friends tell me that I have the wrong temperament for politics.

In films, the camera catches each nuance of expression in close ups. On the stage, it is less subtle, you have to act with your whole body.

Even if I am working 12 hours a day, I want to be working, not sitting in my room for eight hours waiting for my shot.

Theatre is a more difficult visual medium than films. You need to hold the attention span of the audience without goofing up and be able to express yourself as vividly as possible.

I am constantly sleep-deprived.

I don't mind playing a mom, but if I'm just somebody in someone else's love story, then I'm not interested.

I feel I am good at getting things done.

I launched my website when many in my fraternity had not even heard of the concept. Then I tried my hand at make-up business which has made life simpler for actors.

I did theatre when it was not considered prudent for film actors to be seen on stage.

I started my career when girls of my age were going to school.