You can be in films and have a lot of dignity.

I'm a good learner. I am fond of reading and educating myself all the time.

I was just 15 years old when I came from Chandigarh, which was a very small town then. I became part of the entertainment field after winning the Young Miss India contest.

I enjoyed working in films.

I would love to do more reality shows.

I am a quiet person, not too loud or dramatic.

My children and their generation are not aware of the stardom I had enjoyed during my younger days.

I cannot forget the day when I gave the first screen test of my life. The film was Gulshan Rai's 'Trishul' and I was selected. I was just 16.

Human beings are human beings, irrespective of barriers.

The government is a machinery manned by human beings.

I was a bit hesitant in theatre initially, but ever since I jumped into it, I have been pretty enthusiastic.

Unlike movies, on stage there are no second chances. Everything is live. If someone messes up, forgets a line, gives the wrong cue, you need to have the presence of mind to move the play along.

I want to play good characters, not glamorous ones.

Filmstars endorse beauty products, which at times they might not even use. We endorse the product and make innocent people in India spend their money on buying the same products.

Who doesn't like having love, companionship, care and affection? I get plenty of that from my family and friends. But I'm not averse to marriage.

At one time, especially during the era of action heroes, women took a bit of a secondary role because heroes were doing most of the action.

I in fact started doing theatre before a lot of film people started doing it and I started my website before anybody else.

Most of my formative years were in Chandigarh.

As far as films are concerned, I would take up only those roles which are challenging and have some substance in them.

After winning the Miss India title at the age of 16, I resumed my studies.

My teachers made me what I am today. I remember they used to instill confidence in me and stress on remaining focused.

On stage, you have to hype yourself for two hours. It takes up a lot of energy, leaving me totally exhausted.

I count something as successful if it pleases the audience.

I was never a warring parent who prejudiced the child against the other parent. We are a family wherein everyone cares for each other.