The things I've ventured into have always been ahead of time!

I used to brush aside when people used to say 'Poonam, you're different.' It was much later that I realised, I was different.

I left Chandigarh more than 30 years ago. I studied at Carmel Convent and we used to live in Sector 9. My fondest memories are all centered around this city!

In my opinion, boys should not start with films before they are at least 24 years of age, because emoting on screen needs a certain amount of maturity, and a lot rides on an actor's shoulders.

Television is a very powerful medium and I am open to doing any type of shows on television.

Since I belong to Chandigarh, I love coming to Punjab.

Over the years, I've not had the courage to get into theatre, but after I did my first play, 'The Perfect Husband,' I couldn't wait to be on stage again.

I value my friendships and go out of my way to commit time and energy to them.

All I can tell Ashoke Pandit is that I don't go tom-tomming my work; all my social activities are for the betterment of my city and country.

I've been doing work for the farmers of Maharashtra.

I want to do my bit for my city and my country.

I feel very strongly that the country needs dedicated people who have passion... rather than those who are in politics only for a career.

I always wanted to direct a film.

I definitely feel that films and TV shows can bring about social change.

My mother got married at a very young age, but she did her B.A., B. Ed and M.A. after marriage.

For me, education is very important. It opens up vistas of life and makes it easy for you to deal with it, because if you learn from other people's experiences, it enhances your life.

Education is a daily growth. It's not about the degrees but about the kind of person it makes one. I feel it makes a human being complete.

I wanted to do my doctorate. I got honorary doctorates which made me feel very fulfilled.

Women are given their due, and I think female-centric roles are also well-written. But it doesn't matter who is in the centre - a male or female. As long as it is an entertaining, gripping film, people just enjoy it.

I wasn't overtly ambitious, or tried to get films by hook or crook. I always did things at my own pace.

I was looked upon as this privileged actress who was like Yash Chopra's family. He was my second family. Whatever I have achieved is because of him.

Life is not just about profit and loss. One should follow one's conscience and listen to the voice of one's soul.

I have read a lot of spiritual works and believe that our body is just a place for the soul to dwell.

I think God is sending us messages all the time but we get so busy fulfilling our ambitions or in our day-to-day tasks that we forget to connect to God.