I wish there were 48 hours in a day and 14 days in a week.

I think social media has a lot of negative impact and negative effects. These are fairly extreme and horrifying and really gruesome.

To me, words convey feelings, and feelings are just vibrations that we feel, so words are never as authentic as what feelings are and what intentions are.

I used to have a big issue - one - identifying how I feel and being like, 'I feel this way.' Over the years, I've tried to work on that.

That's the cool thing about relationships. You're relating to someone else. It's another thing to balance who you are off of.

I think when you're young, being in love for the first time is like this fantasy.

You know when you meet someone if you guys are going to get along, usually.

It's always interesting when you throw two people in a room and have them try to biologically, immediately connect, but that's biology's job.

When you're someone who is in the attention of the masses, you can't help but become a sort of reality personality.

What I found was, when I took care of my body, my mind and my emotions and my heart were way happier.

I have the privilege of having two parents who were capable and willing to support me - emotionally and monetarily.

Somehow I made it onto a show and then another show, and now I'm doing my thing. So, how did I start? Because my sister wanted to be a model, and I was dragged along to support her!

There are so many great messages in 'Good Trouble.' I'm just excited to be a part of it.

I think there's really healthy ways to segue into different roles and different genres. I'm not completely opposed to shaving my head and doing something crazy.

We've been given the full spectrum of emotions for good reason, and it helps us be happy, in my opinion. I think it's totally normal to be sad or angry or frustrated, hopeless at moments. I don't think we would've been given these things if they were bad.

I think I use writing as a catharsis. I feel sometimes that I'd like to share that with people, so Instagram becomes a vehicle.

I think, for a lot of people, the point is to get high engagement and likes on their photos, so I think it's just good marketing. But at the same time, if you're posting pictures and you look nothing like your pictures, then it's false advertising.

I like rom-coms. I think they're adorable and endearing.

I think when two people are present and engaged and listening to each other, that's what creates the chemistry. And then the ability to react off of what the other person is saying.

High school is cool, especially that first-love mentality. That's what 'Sierra Burgess' captures is, like, his first moment of love. That's what I love. I like that innocence.

High school was cool, man. I went to a public school for my first two years, and then I went and did independent study. I was, like, taken out of it. So I didn't have a normal one.

If you have your own money, you feel entitled to spending your own money how you'd like to, and that's a slippery slope.

It's exciting now to be able to look at projects and say, 'Well this is right for me; this isn't right for me.'

I didn't do well in school, and I didn't really care to cater to certain social structures that were in place to be cool.