What I love about 'Save Me Tonight' is that it came to be through friendship. It was a perfect scenario for friends to come together and create.

Oh, man. I love '13 Going on 30,' 'I love Failure to Launch,' I love 'How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days.'

I would love to do an action film.

I've always wanted to hit that, like, '13 Going on 30;' 'Failure to Launch,' Matthew McConaughey; 'What Happens in Vegas,' Cameron Diaz, Ashton Kutcher' wave.

I've always played the love interest. I've trained for it for a while. These roles are just molds I can pour myself into.

When I go on a hike, I leave my phone in the car.

I've met someone on Instagram, and I developed this like, ostensibly intimate relationship with them, and then, turns out, they weren't who they were.

I would say one of the most romantic things I've done is I've taken a girlfriend back to her hometown when she hadn't been back for years. It was in Puerto Rico, and we stayed there for about a week and a half. She showed me the different places she grew up around.

I think that romantic comedies have a special place in most people's hearts, especially the younger demographic.

There's something so great about platonic intimacy.

Social media, to me, is a way to express. It's not a way for me to glorify my life.

I think there's been this whole image of masculinity that's been out in society - of brooding, brutish, egotistical, narcissistic men - like, this patriarchy.

Like, at the gym, I don't touch my phone.

I love Bon Iver. I would never put a negative connotation on that man's name!

I act, but I'm not necessarily an actor. Acting is just the first thing people see when they look at me. So I'd like to do more things.

When I was turning 21, I was like, 'Damn, I've been partying like crazy since I was 17...' I was like, 'Wow, maybe I should take a break.' So I stopped doing all that, and I found that a lot of problems I was having in my life, slowly, they didn't go away: they just became way more apparent to me.

I definitely have that bug; I'd really like to do some auteur, existential pieces, darker films, something that's really reflective of life. But I also love the genre of rom-coms, and I don't see myself completely detaching from that.

Meditation has been very, very helpful. You know, even if it's just 5 minutes a day.

Sleep is very important.

We all want love. We all want to be taken care of and supported and cherished.

I just like the word 'serendipity.'

Sweet Tarts are dank. 10/10.

If you love someone - like, truly love someone - I don't think that ever goes away. But what does change is your perspective on the relationship and the dynamic.

If I can inspire one spark of awareness or get a spark of introspection or reflection about someone else's life, that's a beautiful thing, in my opinion.