I just want to keep being involved in great projects that push positive messages to people.

I was very into the truancy concept.

If I'm eating, I'll leave my phone places and don't touch it for a few hours, daily.

I wake up sometimes and roll over and sleep until 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

Chemistry is one of those things: it's hard to nail down what it is or how you get it.

I committed to acting. I believe if you fully commit to something, it'll happen.

I just like climbing things and exploring.

It's rare that I read a script, and I immediately go, 'This is perfect. I can see myself in this.'

I got attacked when I was six years old by a Mastiff.

I guess people just like Netflix. And they like rom-coms, and I was fortunate enough to book two random ones that got sold to Netflix.

I think everybody's into love.

I was at the AMC Century City movie theater with my mom, and we were walking through the lobby, and these girls came up to me, and they said, 'Are you Dallas from 'Austin & Ally' - and I was like, - yeah, yeah. And they were like, 'Can we have a picture with you?' and I was like, 'Yeah sure of course.'

When I'm with someone, I give them my time, and I give them my energy because I like making someone feel loved! And making them laugh, and just, like, being there with them.

I love being sentimental and remembering things. I literally am a sentimentalist.

I understand the mentality of a jock.

We are from a swipe-right generation, and that just comes to, 'Oh you're cute, let's hook up,' and that's that. Where is actual, genuine connection that comes from spending quality time with someone?

I'm not really on dating apps. I used to be when I was younger. I'd rather meet people in real life.

I went to New York for work. I was at baggage claim, and I had my headphones on, and I was waiting for my bag to come out. I feel a presence approach me, and without even knowing, I had to side step and take my headphones off, and there's, like, four people looking at me.

Directing was rarely a thought in my head growing up. Especially not when I first began acting or working on my first professional sets.

I would say that all of my experience on any set over the course of my life has helped me in directing 'Save Me Tonight.'

I would be so happy to be Young Hulk. I cannot even explain to you. That would be so dope. He was my favorite Marvel hero, and the fact that Mark Ruffalo plays him is sick.

I think Selena Gomez seems like one of the coolest people ever. And she's, like, an activist as well, and clearly she loves love and is a loving person. I don't know if it's clear because I don't know her, but it feels that way.

The only thing that will box me in is myself, and I think we can break all that when the time is right, for the right role.

My concept of a perfect date, really, is just as long as conversation is fun, and you can be yourselves and feel comfortable around each other.