I don't learn as well, I think, in like a structured way. I kind of have to be thrown into it.

For all of the achievements and awards, to be able to retire as a Raider ranks highest among all of those.

I was never a big spender.

In high school, you can just go out there and play. In the NFL it was so much more mental.

I talked to a lot of people that switched careers. Not necessarily to acting, but switched jobs. The 'becoming a student again' is the thing that always kept coming up.

The beauty of football is you have to perform through ups and downs in a public form with a team and the discipline and the pushing through it and the preparation that it takes to be great - all of those things have served me well.

In high school, my dream was to go to the NBA. But when recruiting came around, the letters for football compared to basketball were like 25 to one, and my one wasn't from Duke.

Months after I retired, the Kings won the Stanley Cup and I was there for that game... I happened to be there with a buddy of mine and I was like, 'Oh, I miss this.'

I don't talk smack because I feel like it's a waste of energy.

I'm a class clown.

You walk into a room and there's already judgment. You know, like football players can't act or you're going to come in and be stiff.

I've been blessed. I've had a fortunate, successful career in the NFL. It's been longer than I initially expected when I came into the NFL.

You kind of have to be secretive about what you're doing post-football because if you're really outward and everyone knows about it while you're playing football then the rap on you is, 'Oh, you don't care about the game.'

The leadership qualities that you have to have to be a producer on a film is something I learned being a captain on the team.

Something clicked, and I was like, 'I gotta be prepared. This could end at any time.' That was my second year in the league. From that point on I started doing broadcasting and things like that in an attempt to find my passion - something I could do after football.

To look back where I started from, you can't help but be amazed.

As far as acting, I just went in and just started training. It was the first thing I did right when I retired. I just went in and found class, and found people, found the right coaches that could sort of just train me along.

I'm one of the guys that thinks you have to spend a lot of time at whatever your craft is in order to sustain it, and in order to get better at it.

As a player, you're not really in control of your destiny and the way you make a living.

Everything in life is about confidence. The more you have, the further you'll go usually.

I didn't have the luxury of going to the four year school for acting.

I've always worked my butt off physically and mentally.

It takes time to change a system and to change a mindset.

There are a handful of guys that are really good at what they're doing from the receiver position, which is the easiest position in the NFL. There are a handful of guys that are good at it. There's not one particular guy that would concern me when I'm going into a game, but there are guys that you have to take notice of in the league.