People think that saving the planet or finding their place in that effort is a really overwhelming thought.

I feel like every day of my life is a funny wardrobe malfunction!

My little brother is autistic, so I would love to be involved in a charity for autism, but I haven't found the right one yet.

My dad's Jewish and my mum is Christian, so I grew up with no religion. Just whatever religion I wanted.

I write because it feels good, and I don't have a deadline, and I don't have people telling me what they want me to write. Maybe if I did, I wouldn't be very good at it.

I do a lot of reading about food and the food industry, so I try to eat locally and go to the farmer's market.

My mom and I would make bracelets and necklaces, and I would sell it in the first, second, and third grades because that was my lunch money.

My brother and I had a lot of freedom growing up, and thankfully, we both turned out OK.

I'm into outdoor sports like hiking, windsurfing, water-skiing.

My older brother's really good at making fun of me for just being a workaholic and never taking time for myself. Even when we go on vacation, I'm always working.

Young people are fascinated with the idea of love, maybe because they haven't experienced it. The older you get, the more jaded you become with this, like, mystical love thing. It's not as exciting because it's not unknown.

I make all my body lotions by just mixing oils.

I just wrapped 'Eclipse' yesterday and the last scene we shot is probably my favorite thus far. I finally got to tell my story, in a very gentle yet elaborate way.

I try to think of food like fuel. I don't look at calories; I just look at ingredients. If my body were an engine, what would make it run? What would make it perform at its highest level?

People definitely wait outside my house, hotel, apartment, whatever, asking for hugs or autographs.

My mom's the strongest, boldest woman I know.

Who thinks to put sunblock on the back of their kneecaps? Not me.

I'm just a believer in keeping all of the creative brain cells moving and working even when you're not working because the inevitable loneliness and boring drought in the actor's world, it can eat you alive.

I had a great time making the last movie, 'Eclipse.' We shot my back-story stuff from the 1930's. But I was waiting for 'Breaking Dawn' because I love the relationship Rosalie has with Jacob and the rest of her family and Bella. She also provides comic relief.

Having people wait outside of my house sort of gives me a panic attack. I'm a believer in the concept that people should not be followed and photographed everywhere.

I feel like human beings cover up their scent with all these different things and products. I feel like we've given up our ability to engage with people because we don't know how people smell anymore.

I grew up in a very relaxed environment in one sense, without many rules. My mother had a problem knowing where to draw the line, which caused a chaotic and hectic home life. A lot of people took advantage of my mom.

If I had more confidence, I would rock a crop top.

I'm really into the Tom Ford lipsticks. I was always afraid to wear lip color because I thought it made me look too masculine, but my makeup artist Fiona Stiles got me into wearing coral, orange-y colors from his line, and now I wear lipstick all of the time.