Anybody can be beaten by one pass once. Are you getting beat by that same pass multiple times in the same game? That answer is no.

You know in acting you have those moments in a movie where a character yells or breaks down crying and you're like, wow, that's acting?

Doing interviews after a game, you can't give your true emotions. You can't tap into them. So when you do that for so long, you go into acting and it can be difficult to suddenly just be open and vulnerable.

I'm very grateful for my time in Philadelphia and I want to thank the Eagles organization for the opportunity to play here.

I'm always willing to help out when people have stories and they bring them to me. I also like the completely fun films like 'Patti Cake$.' My taste is, if it feels like it's something I'd like to see, then I'll get behind it.

I'm really bad at self-promotion.

I think any time you get a boost of confidence, it fuels you to do more, and that kept happening for me.

I hate the term black sheep, but I just felt like I wasn't keeping up. It was a subtle pressure I put on myself.

You become a family when you're on a football team. It's the ultimate team sport, so you have no choice but to feel like family, and that never leaves you.

I didn't have any media training - I didn't have anybody but myself.

I was a very sensitive kid who then had to condition myself to desensitize.

My name is not big enough for people to go, 'Let me throw money at you because you're so famous!'

When I get hate mail, I get really down on myself, and I read it to my mom, and my mom is like, 'So what? Who cares? These people don't know you, so you can't take the praise or the hate to heart.'

I love to write what I see and what I do and what I experience, and I like to see if people can relate to that. I don't know if I am as good at making up a story in my head that has no truth to it, so that is a challenge for me.

I love writing. I feel more connected to that than I do a lot of the other things.

I've never really made a big deal out of my birthday.

I have great respect for actors like Jodie Foster and Natalie Portman who went to school the entire time they were acting. All I did was one small little independent film, and I realised I couldn't balance both lives.

Animals, until you have kids of your own, animals are your kids.

I love making things for people.

I mostly eat plant-based, so give me an avocado or something, even late at night, and I'll be happy.

Parents are in denial a lot of the time - everybody knows what they did as a teenager, but somehow, when they grow up, it all disappears.

My dad is a man that, for as long as I can remember, has kept a book of favorite things his kids say.

I always wanted to be a makeup artist. When I don't get to have my stylist, I do my own makeup!

While most people turn 21 and decide to go out and party, I turned 21 and decided that I was going to become somebody that I never thought I could be: somebody who cares about herself and her body, her future, and her health.