Ritu Kumar's clothes are totally great. Her embroidery is perfect. She lives up to her name over and over again.

I surf the net regularly.

I refuse some movies. I cannot always give reasons why I refuse. Sometimes, I refuse just because I feel like refusing! I always look at my role, and never bother about who the hero will be when choosing a movie.

I have gained confidence in front of the camera.

For the longest time, I was very conscious of the camera while doing a scene. It wouldn't seem natural. But gradually, I've become more comfortable.

Ashwini Chowdhary is a very sensitive director. I could give myself 100 per cent to him.

Having anything to do with a hit film is great. Even if you're a third assistant to the director or second to the editor, if the film does well, every technician, every actor benefits from it.

Mindless films are usually far more entertaining because the audience just comes for a laugh.

It takes all sorts of people to make the world.

I do have a degree in history.

I love being part of cinema and I don't see myself doing anything else.

My fans keep me in good spirits.

I will take all the criticism constructively. It will help me to learn and improve with every film.

I remember I would always study at the eleventh hour, but still manage to get good marks. I was very active in sports, and I was an extrovert.

Give your 100 per cent. Whether you are working or with family and friends. Even if you are sleeping, you should give it your 100 per cent.

I am enjoying every day of being in the film industry and have no regrets at all.

I am indeed proud to be an Indian.

Life beyond movies is a lot to me. My family, my friends, fitness, my music, books - just a combination of things I am very passionate about.

I have been to Burj-Al-Arab. And I visit Dubai quite often, I really like the place.

In short I love my work.

I have to watch my moves very carefully because if there are people to support you, there are also those who would like nothing more than to see you fall.

Before the release, I kept saying 'Julie' isn't for sleazy men only. Thank god the audience agreed with me. Otherwise, I'd have ended up looking silly.

I feel for a film to be accepted, women have to take to it. The women bring the rest of the family to the theatres.

Julie' has not been perceived as a sleazy film, and I am grateful for that.